So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)
So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)
So happy this is something we left behind (mostly)
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
Take my upvote!
Take my poor man's gold 🥇
I know your comment was written in that style on purpose, yet it still made me roll my eyes. Well done mate
Gosh I hate award speech edits
Take my upvote and leave!
Edit: wow! thanks for the upvotes! my most upvoted comment is about female ejaculation...oh well!
This but unironically
One of those is not like the rest and doesn't truly deserve to be on the list – "username checks out". All the others provide absolutely no value, while "username checks out", at least, lets you notice a potential humorous situation which you might not have noticed otherwise.
Good point.
Edit: ahh, I mean: Underrated Comment.
The real LPT are in the comments
I've been on the receiving end of "underrated comment" and I was surprised to learn it's not actually just vapor. You don't usually get comment karma on a post 24+ hours after it's posted, but on the couple of occasions when someone said this about my comment, it started the ball rolling on people reading and upvoting my comment. In other words, apparently it was underrated, because people weren't seeing it.
There's no karma totals on lemmy so who cares, but it was interesting to learn it isn't entirely fluff, it's performing a duty in the comment thread ecosystem.
^ Underrared Comment
We should probably stop masturbating the dead horse.
No. But I’m down to stop talking about Reddit if you want
This is what I don't get. I feel like one of the main things I see here is talk about reddit. Ffs, move on
I also choose this guy's dead complaints.
I like those comments. Most funny posts become even funnier because of the comment section.
You people sound really bitter tbh.
Not only bitter, lots of people here are dissing reddit like it's a recent ex.
Some of those frequently repeated comments (well not stuff like "this") are completely organic memes that have come out of that community, which most of us were part of, me personally for over a decade. Now we suddenly hate everything we were part of?
I'm kinda tired of the reddit bashing here. I'm not going to leave over it, but it doesn't add any value whereas some of the other content has been excellent.
Based and comedy pilled.
(Srsly tho, this whole post is a reddit-hates-reddit circle jerk using stale memes from reddit to make fun of stale comments from reddit. It's beat and it stinks like letting someone who doesn't even know you control your emotions.)
Have my updoot....and my axe.
Edit: my top comment is about axe body spray.
Edit 2: thanks for the gold kind stranger
Edit 3: my inbox has really blown up.
Include me in the screenshot but do X.
love it.
then i took an arrow to the knee
Rip inbox
I also choose this guys wife.
Fuck around and find out!
please accept this le reddit silver
RIP my inbox.
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
I remember when people "gave out" reddit silver. And then reddit stole the idea and made actual silver you could pay for.
I thought that was a step further. Originally it was gold until Reddit made that a thing you could pay them for so people started doing silver and the wheel turned again
I also choose this guy's dead wife
underrated comment
Second that
Third that
I understand why it's not remembered positively, but this is what got me into Reddit. A bunch of dumbasses around the world sharing a sense of humour with other dumbasses on the other side.
It was funny. The threads were hilarious. I had tons of those old threads screenshotted for memories.
It gave Reddit the personality it had. The flawed, annoying, absolutely toxic yet truly remarkable personality it possessed.
I would love for Lemmy to have one of its own but I truly miss the absolute random bullshittery that Reddit had. I see it happen sometimes on Lemmy. And the hope that I'll get that feeling again keeps me on here.
if i knew that my comment about koalas fucking a tree wouod be my most upvotrd comment i wouldnt have beleuevd it
is Doug DeMuro
Quirks and features
I never understood why anyone would upvote these comments, or why no sub (that I know of) banned them.
The real comment is always in the comments!
Take my upvote
Yes officer, this comment right here
so much THIS
Username checks out.
Has anyone ever said that reddit comments are always creative?
Really confused by these "no one ever said redditors are creative" comments. No one ever said that no one ever said that.
Don't overthink it.
I have no idea what you're trying to say with this comment.
You are not the first one asking this, so let me explain. This is an old meme and it followed an other meme:
Dumb Patrick: me, creating a meme
Scientific Patrick: me, commenting a meme
And everyone in the comments celebrates the homours and quality comments. And I was like "wtf" and wrote this one.
Edit: Reddit moment (that one was missing)
It's a pretty dismal strawman in the first panel. Hell, even in 2010 they were famous for being that site that just recycled memes from other sites. Comments were same shit different era, 'le', 'good sir', 'narwhal bacon'... well at least that last one was original even if lolrandumbxD.
But yeah, 'based' and 'this' are literally reused from other sites, especially 'this', which its entire purpose is to show agreement on sites that don't have voting like reddit does. People saying 'this' on reddit don't understand reddit
Alas, I have but only one upvote to give
Same tbh
I kind of miss the kind of gimmick users that made you genuinely say "yeah, the user name does check out here".
Came here to say this.
*Edit: thank you kind stranger!
He came
New meme just dropped
Actual meme
Holy hell
New response just dropped
actual zombie
Does anyone else think, "Holy hell", or is it just me? I'm very curious. Please explain.
Google en passant
Holy hell
Ah, the old Reddit Switcharoo
You sir are a gentleman and a scholar
I hate the comments in this thread soooo much.
Username checks out can be very funny since it often well… leads to the username and adds another layer of joke.
It needs to fit though of course.
It'll show up in any internet community eventually, don't worry.
It's almost as if Internet culture is universal.
Also "My time to shine..." or something along those lines implying that they are the expert of current topic
also... TIFU obligatory it wasn't today ... it was actually 1572 years ago
Read comments to see what everyone else is saying. Leave a new comment, definitely not a response, saying the same thing.
And these choice phrases that are guaranteed to add to the conversation.
This isn't a problem in my country.
Along the same lines are the "Americans forget that other countries exist" comments.
Does American culture have a problem with ethnocentrism? Generally yes. Is reddit an American website where the vast majority of users, comments, posts, and topics are American? Also yes. When I'd see one of the "you're an arrogant asshole for assuming this post is about the US" comments, I just assumed it's someone being pedantic and contrarian for the sake of it. It just ruins what is sometimes a valid point.
I only partly agree. The part remembers all those situations where a comment on reddit almost made me spit out my coffee while at work because I found it truly hilarious
This guy reddit
Python people be like: self.
Please tell me what "based" even means so I can misuse it amongst a bunch of 12 year olds and make them fucking stop.
Crack = freebasing cocaine = base.
Bay Area rapper Lil B used to be insulted by people who called him "based", essentially meaning crackhead. He reappropriated it to mean outspokenly being yourself while actively disregarding what anybody else thinks, and started also going by Based God. That's it.
Based and hip-hop history-pilled
Which was originally used on the internet as a replacement/slang for "best" but apparently I am the only one who remembers that. Everyone seems to think it started as the cringelord PCM shit, but it absolutely meant "best" for years before that.
It definitely meant crackhead in hip-hop too, but it had a double meaning of "best" as well. Based God = best crackhead god.
Based and trolling pilled.
I believe it's come from "based god", which referred to a god that appeared on earth.
Of course, it's been 10 years since I heard it used in that context, and assuming it hasn't evolved since then may be wrong...
based on what?
I will say Reddit and lemmy are the only sites where comments genuinely make me laugh sometimes
It'd be real nice if someone created a browser addon that auto-downvoted these same comments and puns. With enough users you could wipe out anyone wanting to make the comments when they get 100 down votes just by people with the addon loading the comments section.
Automatically hiding them would be fine, but I personally wouldn't be comfortable with any upvote or downvote automation.
Yeah, automatic voting gets dangerously close to automatic censorship and botting.
Also, human language, context and nuance is complicated and the unknown error bar on "correctly flagged posts" scares me. It's not entirely predictable what kind of posts people may make, and accordingly not entirely predictable what the plugin would and wouldn't recognise.
A post chain "Madness?" / "THIS" / "IS" / "SPARTA!" may make sense and be fun in the right context, but the "THIS" comment could get botted to hell.
God this comment section is giving me a headache. Well done, folks.
Underrated comment.
My sides
Angry updoot