One of those is not like the rest and doesn't truly deserve to be on the list – "username checks out". All the others provide absolutely no value, while "username checks out", at least, lets you notice a potential humorous situation which you might not have noticed otherwise.
I understand why it's not remembered positively, but this is what got me into Reddit. A bunch of dumbasses around the world sharing a sense of humour with other dumbasses on the other side.
It was funny. The threads were hilarious. I had tons of those old threads screenshotted for memories.
It gave Reddit the personality it had. The flawed, annoying, absolutely toxic yet truly remarkable personality it possessed.
I would love for Lemmy to have one of its own but I truly miss the absolute random bullshittery that Reddit had. I see it happen sometimes on Lemmy. And the hope that I'll get that feeling again keeps me on here.
It's a pretty dismal strawman in the first panel. Hell, even in 2010 they were famous for being that site that just recycled memes from other sites. Comments were same shit different era, 'le', 'good sir', 'narwhal bacon'... well at least that last one was original even if lolrandumbxD.
But yeah, 'based' and 'this' are literally reused from other sites, especially 'this', which its entire purpose is to show agreement on sites that don't have voting like reddit does. People saying 'this' on reddit don't understand reddit
I only partly agree. The part remembers all those situations where a comment on reddit almost made me spit out my coffee while at work because I found it truly hilarious
It'd be real nice if someone created a browser addon that auto-downvoted these same comments and puns. With enough users you could wipe out anyone wanting to make the comments when they get 100 down votes just by people with the addon loading the comments section.
Comebacks aimed at other people's mothers or wives will never be unfunny. "Putin bofa deez nutz" is one I've ended up using fairly often in recent times.
EDIT: Don't know why this is being downvoted to hell, especially as this comment isn't tagged 'edited on', demonstrating I put this 'edit' in the comment immediately upon posting so UPDOOT ME WAAAAH.
The uncreative memes are the least for me, though. What I'm really happy to see being left behind are:\
"I don't understand" to convey "I disagree, but if I feign stupidity I'm going to tire you down while making you look angry and irrational for not spoonfeeding me basic reasoning"
the "lol", "lmao", and emoji spam. I don't mind the acronyms themselves, but it's really hard to talk about anything serious with redditors
"As a" [insert label]. It does pop up here sometimes, but in Reddit it's everywhere. It's like they believe that something becomes "magically" truer/falser because you claim that you're some random label.
Bots that "join" conversation to boss you around. Here there's the piped bot offering alternative links to botnet videos, but it does a service, unlike those fuckers. (I'm looking at you, common misspelling bot. The fact that someone spelled "wierd" for "weird" is irrelevant. Stop. Adding. Noise. You. Fucking. Waste. Of. Electricity.)
The mods. Yes, there are good mods there... and they don't usually last long. Shitheads though are a dime a dozen, because they followed the admins' "how to treat users" pamphlet to the letter.