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  • It's depressing to see people fall for the same carrot-stick nonsense year after year. An administration could arguably accomplish one major reform during a single term, even if it tanked their career. There are empowerments the president can use to do this (libs will often use you personally not being able to detail each legal subversion necessary as proof the acting president actually cannot do what they campaigned on, however this is a coping mechanism, as they refuse to believe that the person they

    d for can be ideologically bad).

    If Biden actually cared about anything he campaigned on, even if it were just one thing he was the most passionate about, he could have worked over the past three years to execute a plan to make it happen, even if it led to his impeachment. But he hasn't, because he doesn't, because the system he dedicated his career to uphold is working as intended.

  • How can people still believe the dems will stop the right after a full term of them not doing anything to stop the right?

    Every promise will be broken, every pseudo-progressive bullshit they spew is a facade, they don’t care about trans peoples, black peoples or anyone that isn’t a wealthy strait white men or a cop.

    If you look at what they are actually doing it’s no better than what the republicans are doing.

    • It’s especially vexing when it’s Gen Xers and boomers. Like I get if it’s some zoomer or younger millennial who only just became aware of politics in the late teens and hadn’t been burned yet. But when it’s people who’ve been through multiple dem presidents failing to live up to the promises still believing that

      for team blue is going to meaningful evolve anything, that’s sad.

    • After decades of not doing anything to stop the right.

      • After decades of helping the right

        During Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s press conference, I asked why Democrats were negotiating curtailing immigration with a party led by Mr Trump.

        “What Donald Trump said and did was despicable, but we do have a problem at the border and Democrats know we have to solve that problem, but in keeping with our principles,” he said.

        Just another drop in the ocean of monstrous things they've helped conservatives do

    • the dems will stop the right

      I remember Obama saying "the fever will break" regarding the Republicans pre-Trump lol.

  • I've got this website where I wrote that I'm going to marry your dad (I'm actually just going to string him along with empty promises and break his heart)

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