Rent is Robbery
Rent is Robbery
Rent is Robbery
I don't know what you millenial z's or something keep complaining about - just buy a detached single family house with a backyard in the city for 125k and pay up your 1% interest rate mortgage within 10 years while your wife keeps it clean and drinks herself to death while resenting you daily, like any civilized 30 year old with a job for life and guaranteed payout pension does!
Is the /s really necessary?
Man. Every time I see it again spelled out, how smooth these disingenuous decrepit assholes had it when they were my age, I start wishing for a claymore and a stump.
Use a guillotine, we aren't savages.
Is the /s really necessary?
Depending on the age range, someone might think you are being serious. I'd just leave it.
Look at these fucking comments around us, it's clearly neccesary.
If someone thinks you are serious this would prove the dystopian reality even more haha
Landlords out here in lemmy dot marxist lenninists comments deadass pretending their right to steal wealth is more important than ones fundamental human right to housing.
Let this be your reminder that "Landlords" do nothing of value. Anytime they claim they are, they are doing the work of an occupation that possibly does, like an electrician or developer or architect or carpenter or handyman or painter or realtor. Ticket scalpers don't create tickets. Don't let these antisocial freaks rewrite the dictionary, or excuse their own refusal to read anything about their own behavior.
If they try to cosplay as a pitiable person who only owns a house and doesn't want to be broke, tell them that their victims don't want that either, and only the landlord hates working for a living more than they hate parasitizing the wealth others. Their "ethical and reasonable" rent seeking is enabled by the threat of violence from the other "unreasonable" rent seekers, therefore acting as a single unified class.
They could have sold their houses to profit, but that's not enough for them. They must do their part to squeeze every drop of blood from that soil so that they don't accidentally decomodify housing even slightly by providing their smidge of housing to the captive market.
Read On The Rent of the Land. Fuckers.
Sir, this is a meme community
Paying a bank hundreds of thousands of dollars in interest is also robbery. what did the bank do? Were rich and did paperwork. Wow so irreplaceable and valuable. Think of all the poor people they swindled to get there! Amazing 😍
The bank isnt even that rich... They are allowed to just dream up the money from nothing and lend it to you.
And if you miss a payment, they get to reposses a real asset.
This is the biggest scam in history. The bank lends you imaginary money, and then reposesses a real asset
Disclaimer: not advocating for current system.
What alternative would you propose for providing loans?
My controversial (for Lemmy) take is that loans are good for society. They provide an incentive to not hoard resources, but provide them to those who want to put them into action today for future benefit.
A good loan benefits both parties, ie. An auto loan that allows someone to buy a car to get to a job to earn an income that is above the cost of the loan. Without the loan that person couldn't get to work and whatever service they were providing to society is lost.
All that said - that doesn't mean the way loans work today is the best solution, but the same functionality of trading current and future resources needs to exist. You don't have to call it a loan, and it doesn't have to be performed by private for profit institutions, but if you want a thriving economy I believe you need this function carried out somehow.
The equivalent function in Communism is (or historically has been) a centrally planned resource allocation which very clearly is a horrible idea because of the incentives towards corruption. If you take a literal interpretation of communism (instead of historical) where "the workers own the means of production" trade unions could fulfill this current to future resource allocation function. I do not know if this would create the same corruption as single central authority, but my gut feels is that it would (based on the US labor union and organized crime affiliation of the past.
In short, the current function for trading current and future resources (ie. loans) is far from ideal, but I have not found an alternate that provides more benefits than deficits. I would love to learn about more alternatives, but just saying 'loans R bad' makes it sound like you're advocating getting rid of them with nothing to handle their underlying function, which is a terrible idea.
I agree with you. And yeah it's bizarre that loans are literally just a privilege that banks create new money out of thin fucking air. I agree--Biggest scam in history.
But Isn't that how all business works?
Customers pay for things and that payment pays to keep the business going.
The business in this case being what? What good or service is being provided? Landlords didn't create the land, nor did they build the residence, nor did they improve its value by building a community around it. They are benefiting off of the work of others simply because they "own" it. The most common arguments I hear in support of landlords are:
Landlords take on risk. For example, when I rented an apartment, I came home one day to a plumbing disaster. I called emergency maintenance and left. The landlord fixed it and paid for my hotel in the meantime. As a home owner now, that would be entirely on me to figure out. I'm pretty handy, but I have no disrespect for someone who doesn't want to be responsible for that.
More importantly, selling a house costs about 10% of the value of the house, and the first few years of a mortgage you're mostly paying interest. If you move every 3 years, it's actually cheaper to rent than to buy. It's just that your money is going to a landlord instead of to banks and realtors.
So while I see your argument that landlords don't "deserve" the money they make, practically they're an important part of the housing market, and I respect people who make an informed decision to rent.
The two big main ones I can think of.
They provide short term housing. If your only planning to say 1-2 years in a location it often doesn't make much sense to buy a house.
They also take on all of risk of the property.
Obviously I am not saying landlords are the greatest thing in the world but they do serve a purpose.
Something Something housing should be a right not a business
Is this post saying that if the landlord CAN afford the house without you paying rent, then it's justified, and in that case they ARE providing you housing?
In the same way GPU and game console scalpers were generously, out of the goodness of their heart providing GPUs and game consoles to the masses.
Thank the lord for scalpers, honestly. Glad they were able to help some people get their stuff!
Yeah I had the same thought, this post doesn't make a very good anti-landlord argument if in the case the renters stop paying, then both they and the landlord lose their homes.
funny though
oops was that out loud? ahem sorry
Although I agree with the sentiment - I am curious how the system works with landlords having so many unoccupied units in some cities. Especially business/commercial/industrial landlords. It keeps rent artificially high, while reducing some types of overhead I would guess.
Speculation. Some investors are more interested in holding the property until they can sell it in the future for a profit, rather than the rent they would earn now. Some landlords will have negative cashflow even if they are charging rent because they know they can sell the property for a profit later.
So if the housing market crashed like really bad, by say everybody owning multiple homes being suddenly unable to afford the loans for that many homes, what would happen?
The banks would have to repossess the properties. And sell them on the market, but with many homes to sell, the price would come down crashing.
One can dream.
That is precisely how we have wound up in the current market.
housing are people to live in. shouldn't be used for speculation. a landlord in my building owns like 7 or 8 apartments. insanely hight rent prices. this should be fucking ilegal. greed destroying society
Thanks for reminding me to pay rent today :/
Rent is robbery... But your landlord is poorer than you? What?
People with diverse skills or able to remote work, move to the Midwest and rural mountain states. Swing them blue and get all the mcmansions you want.
No one said that landlord's are poor, landlord's quite literally leech off of their tenants pay checks, making them even richer than they were to start, without lifting a finger, or contributing anything to society.
Can you do the duck one pleeese?
ITT: No one understands the benefits of renting over owning a home.
Well in theory it makes you more mobile (if you want/need to move for some reason): just give your landlord notice and move out. Whereas selling can take an indefinite amount of time.
Yeah, not to mention the responsibilities that a landlord has when it comes to maintenance on the property. I was saying no one else in this thread gets that there are benefits to renting, even though there are.
A home is for living in. A person has one body, therefore one home per person/family unit is an appropriate number. Corporations have no bodies, therefore they do not need homes.
Not only is rent robbery, but private property in itself has its origins in theft.
Everyone paints landlords as money grubbing evil people. I own a couple rental houses and set prices so that my return is 7% annually. While that may paint me as the description above realize this; that price was set when I set a tenant and only increases with inflation. The majority of my units are 25% below market rates because once I have a good tenant I don't see a reason to make more work for me. 7% return and I never hear from them is worth it in my mind.
that price [...] increases with inflation
While the vast majority of wages don't, not nearly enough to keep with inflation. Surely you can see the problem here, right? I agree with op that you should get a real job.
But yeah, putting the blame on individual landlords isn't very productive. The core issue here is the capitalist system that allows landlords to exist in the first place.
There are very few jobs that actually give annual raises that keep up with inflation. You are no better than corporations that raise the price of food for no reason, other than following an arbitrary market metric(inflation) You should give your tenants 3 months free rent for Christmas, and give them the option to buy the properties from you for what you bought them for, and get a real job.
What part of 25% below market makes you compare him to the food oligopoly? He likes trouble-free tenants, and I'm pretty sure his tenants like this arrangement too. By contast, you come off as very tiresome. Do you have any skin in the game? What are you doing to help make housing affordable? Do you do anything besides exemplify why having revolutionaries in charge would be terrifying?
Lemmy can be such a hateful place sometimes. Mom and Pop landlords such as yourself are not the problem. I would assume that most people renting from you are not in a situation where they can buy a house yet. Providing them a place at a reasonable price gives them the opportunity to save for a house of their own. I think just about everybody who has bought a house had to rent first, including myself, without available rentals what would we do?
The only issue I have is with the types that rent part of their house at a price that's well above their mortgage payments. I hate that everyone just shrugs and says "the market has spoken! Some website said I could get 2k for a studio basement apartment so that's the price!"
I can't say I like people buying multiple houses and then renting them so there is less for everyone who wants to buy, but I can be somewhat sympathetic to the idea that there really are people who just want to rent a house for a handful of years and then move on so in that case it really is a service.
My last landlord charged 1200 for a basement... His mortgage was less than $900... Yeah yeah taxes and whatnot, but the point remains that I should not be paying all of your expenses for the "luxury" of renting a basement...
Our individualistic culture makes people incapable of seeing the problem systemically, and instead they cry when they feel like a critique of the system feels like a personal assault of an individual's character.
It's not fucking about landlords 'being decent people', it's about a system that profits from the systemic disenfranchisement of the working class.
In the same way 'all cops are bastards' because the profession is built around protecting the capitalist class by oppressing the working class, 'all landlords are bastards' too.
Stop crying and provide housing for yourself then.
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