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Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 6th

Hey all! Another weekly thread is here.

This time I am also hoping for some feedback!

If anyone has any ideas for more weekly thread topics you would like to see, go ahead an leave a comment below!

  • For me, I just finished pikmin 4 100%!!! I have now moved on to Jedi survivor, which I am having a lot of fun with.

    I got it near launch, but it didn’t run super well. I am happy I waited as the game runs much smoother than it did when it came out

  • Hypnospace Outlaw. I'm not old enough to have been using the web in 1999, but I like to think it was exactly like this.

    I got a ttrpg itch recently (unrelated to bg3) and started looking into pathfinder 2e and will probably pick up the core rulebook in the next few days.

  • Going through all of the Hitman reboot trilogy maps purely to take screenshots. My plan is to have a fat wallpaper folder of all sorts of locations from the trilogy. It's a beaut

  • Right now I'm waiting on the new PoE league as well as the GW2 expansion. For now it's either a MUD, The first Skyrim save I've kept long enough to complete the main quest, or Yakuza: Like a dragon.

    It really just depends on mood and if anyone else is active on the MUD.

    I'm glad to have finally found a Skyrim build I enjoy. I've always appreciated the game but never managed to stick with it. This Illusion/Thief/Assassin combo is a great time. Calm + backstab for life.

    Yakuza is a delight. It's a lot like FfXIV in that it's a pretty fun movie that is sometimes interrupted by RPG game play elements. Loving the humor.

  • Well I just picked up Last Epoch last night / Monday! It's an Action RPG so follows the same format as PoE / Diablo. Haven't been super impressed with the post-campaign experience of D4, and immediately after jumping into Last Epoch I already feel like it has exactly what I was looking for from D4 in terms of power fantasy and buildcrafting potential.

    Its still Early Access which I generally don't pickup, but someone here on Lemmy recommended it and I have to say, so far I regret nothing!

  • Minecraft (as usual), just finished Wolfenstein New Orden again. Just started Breath of Fire (GBA version). Nonogram (picross, android). Maybe I'll get back to ToTK (what a drag, that game is huge). Not touching my huge backlog yet.

    Yes, I'm a parent and patient gamer, how did you know?

  • I played the Pikmin 4 demo and had a ton of fun with it, but I have to wait for a sale to pick it up.

    So instead o got Brotato because I saw it was $5 on switch, having a lot of fun with it! Will probably get Vampire Survivors when it comes out on switch, I hear it has more interesting maps than Brotato

  • Still Elder Scrolls Online. Tried to pug the new hard mode last night in an old instance, wouldn't recommend. Did ball group stuff in Cyro Friday night.

  • Playing a lot of factorio with the space exploration and Krastorio mod. I've increased science costs 10x to slow the game down and force me to build properly. However after getting to space I spent 9 hours handfeeding machines to get the logistics bit research.

    I told someone in one of these threads that I do a base tour. I think pre bots is a good milestone to make a base tour. I tired to make a short video but it's actually much harder than I thought, filming and talking is hard and editing is hard.

  • After having beaten The Pathless yesterday I started playing Uncharted 4. I'm a couple hours in and I have to say, it feels a lot more like an interactive movie than an actual game. I'm hoping it gets more interesting

  • Caves of Qud. Kitfox picked it up to publish recently and I figured it was time to play it a bunch again. Truly an incredible game.

  • Playing Danganronpa v3 and FF7 Crisis Core Reunion, both on Steam Deck.

    I started Danganronpa a couple weeks ago. And so far, it's definitely the weakest of the main trilogy. I really don't like any of the characters. They're all just too edgy, weird, and/or outright dumb. And not in a funny endearing way often seen with characters in the first two installments. I just finished the the second class trial; the twist there was pretty stupid. The first trial and murderer at least made sense and was unexpected. This second murderer, while also unexpected, just had the dumbest reason; totally unbelievable. That said, the game itself isn't terrible. And the story is just interesting enough that I wanna see where it goes.

    I started FF7 Crisis Core Reunion last week and I'm still in the early stages of it. Don't really have any opinions on it so far. After finishing FF16, I was in the mood for another action-based FF game, so tried this out.

    Continuing to play FF14; still in Shadowbringer expansion (SHB). I've been taking my time with it as I had to level up a Machinist so that I can take advantage of the experience gained from MSQs. I finished the Titania trial over the weekend. I am enjoying the level of difficulty with SHB; I felt like Stormblood was a walk in the park. Admittedly, I was massively overleveled through most of Stormblood, but even with level adjustments, it felt easy. So it's nice to see some challenge again.

    Also I've gotten back into Eve Online after taking a few months off again. Idk; null blob fleet stuff is something to do, I guess.

  • Continuing the PSO2:NGS grind. Leciel is extremely fun, just the right amount of tension and challenge, and constant novel boss "twists". Yesterday we had a boss with breakable parts and a breakable bomb, as well as buffs to damage to breakable parts. The strat was to stagger him by breaking his legs then do a mad rush to break the bomb before it wiped the entire party.

    Beyond that, continuing my journey through .hack//IMOQ. It's immediately clear how special this series is. Not just for being the seminal story about an imaginary game, and being fairly unique in actually looking at how people interact with games as a third place, and the queer potential of video games; but also for actually providing a playable version of the imaginary game. Including an MMO version of the MMO!

    I really want .hack to come back. Log Horizon rules, and I like the more heroic, legendary, and optimistic tone and theming, but there's something really appealing at how realistic .hack is without being dark, gritty, or cynical. The sense of romance in the game's backstory is great too. All this weird background fabric about genius programmers singlehandedly changing the course of the world, people overhwelmed by emotions; meanwhile the spotlight is on real people.

  • Baldur's Gate 3, naturally. I was enjoying it until I reached the zone border and I got a warning I was underleveled. I was like, really, Larian? We're doing this again?

    My biggest complaint with Divinity: Original Sin 2 was that the level differences were so stark and the XP was so tight that it felt like the game was forcing me to comb through the entire map. Absolutely kills replay value, and BG3 is a game I'd really, really like to save something for a replay.

    This ended up being a constant issue in D:OS2 but turned out mostly okay in the first D:OS after a really tight first act. I hope this ends up being more like the latter. Or there's some way to grind this time around.

  • Genshin Impact has consumed my life. Send help. Looking forward to Fontaine!