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Embark Studios staff member commented today that some of the "Chinese hackers" in The Finals game are not Chinese

Posted on the discord here.

The only logical answer I have for why people would yellow-face themselves while rage-hacking in a new game is because there is a group intentionally agitating this issue for political purposes.

It's not like they're trying to pretend to be good. They are blatant rage hacking with the intention of letting everyone know that they're doing it. There is no logical answer for this other than agitators.

This is the easiest thing in the world to do. You ragehack in a game using a Chinese name while constantly posting in communities about how the game is filled with Chinese hackers and how they need to be region locked. Then you also post all your race-theory bullshit for how they're predisposed culturally-or-otherwise to "cheating".

And because it damages the TREATS gamers react viscerally to it. They're incredibly easy to manipulate.

  • Every time I’m playing an online video game and I hear the word β€œChinese” there is basically a 100% chance it will be followed up with β€œhacker.”

    Which is interesting because I swear it’s just projection from racist assholes. I don’t run into cheaters very often, or at least I don’t think I do, but the last two people I am certain were cheating were white supremacists. I fought a Ken player in SF6 that in a team called β€œWhites only” and the other guy was in Tarkov who was walling and just shouting the worst shit imaginable at anyone who came within earshot.

    • Someone sent me this right wing thinktank shit as "evidence" of the Chinese being cheaters earlier today and said it's "objectively true" lmao.

      1. Literally nothing to do with videogames.
      2. Absolutely no comparison to whatever the cheating average is.
      3. Site is literally filled with how the "woke" is bad for education.
  • Westerners are some of the most mentally poisoned people I've ever met.

    But this isn't too different from how the Japanese used to be viewed during their rise. At first they were sneaky "yellow" removed who you couldn't trust because they were sneaky. It was assumed that the Japanese just copied everything and couldn't make anything original. Nowadays Japanese gamers are assumed to be that good based on skill alone.

    China is going through a similar period and it might change as Chinese soft power grows. Younger generations growing up with Genshin Impact and TikTok could at the very least have a more neutral view of the country despite the propaganda.