Trump rally warns that God will punish those who don't worship Dictator Trump
Trump rally warns that God will punish those who don't worship Dictator Trump
Trump rally warns that God will punish those who don't worship Dictator Trump
Trump rally warns that God will punish those who don't worship Dictator Trump
Trump rally warns that God will punish those who don't worship Dictator Trump
Lets say for a second that that was true.
I'd rather spend eternity in hellfire than spend eternity with that kind of God.
Not sure if you’re at all familiar with the Abrahamic god, Yehweh/Jehova/Allah, or if you’ve read the Bible, but that heaven isn’t so great, either. It’s all worship and singing praises for eternity. Ew.
Those bronze-age myth-writers sure had a lot of imagination when it came to devising eternal torments, but when it came to describing their idea of eternal bliss, they really dropped the ball. 
It’s really hard, tbf. Perfection is impossible.
Tax churches then, since god can't keep his mouth shut
Put not your trust in princes or sons of men, in whom there is no salvation. His breath departs, he returns to the earth. On that very day his plans perish.
Can we have a rush order on that breath departing thing?
These aren't his plans. These are the plans of smarter, more capable men. Organizations like the Heritage Foundation don't go away easily.
It’s like something from a b or z movie
More media fear-mongering that makes you piss your pants? You shouldn't have.
No, I mean it. You really, REALLY shouldn't have. I'm running out of underpants.