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I wrote a (very long) blog post about those viral math problems and am looking for feedback, especially from people who are not convinced that the problem is ambiguous.

It's about a 30min read so thank you in advance if you really take the time to read it, but I think it's worth it if you joined such discussions in the past, but I'm probably biased because I wrote it :)

  • Seems this whole thing is the pedestrian-math-nerd’s equivalent to the pedestrian-grammar-nerd’s arguments on the Oxford comma. At the end of the day it seems mathematical notation is just as flexible as any other facet of written human communication and the real answer is “make things as clear as possible and if there is ambiguity, further clarify what you are trying to communicate.”

    • Pretty much. While it's worth knowing that not everyone agrees on how implicit multiplication is prioritised, anywhere that everyone agreeing on the answer actually mattered, you wouldn't write an equation as ambiguous as this one in the first place

    • Seems this whole thing is the pedestrian-math-nerd’s equivalent to the pedestrian-grammar-nerd’s arguments on the Oxford comma.

      Not even remotely similar. Maths rules are fixed. The order of operations rules are at least 400 years old.

      mathematical notation is just as flexible as any other facet of written human communication

      No, it isn't. The book "A history of mathematical notation" is in itself more than 100 years old.

      • Wow neat, and yet the thread was full of people going back and forth about how the equation can be misinterpreted based on how the order of operations can be interpreted. Thanks for your months later input though.

  • I think this speaks to why I have a total of 5 years of college and no degree.

    Starting at about 7th grade, math class is taught to every single American school child as if they're going to grow up to become mathematicians. Formal definitions, proofs, long sets of rules for how you manipulate squiggles to become other squiggles that you're supposed to obey because that's what the book says.

    Early my 7th grade year, my teacher wrote a long string of numbers and operators on the board, something like 6 + 4 - 7 * 8 + 3 / 9. Then told us to work this problem and then say what we came up with. This divided us into two groups: Those who hadn't learned Order of Operations on our own time who did (six plus four is ten, minus seven is three, times eight is 24, plus three is 27, divided by nine is three) Three, and who were then told we were wrong and stupid, and those who somehow had, who did (seven times eight is 56, three divided by nine is some tiny fraction...) got a very different number, and were told they were right. Terrible method of teaching, because it alienates the students who need to do the learning right off the bat. And this basically set the tone until I dropped out of college for the second time.

    • Yes, unfortunately there are some bad teachers around. I vividly remember the one I had in Year 10, who literally didn't care if we did well or not. I got sick for an extended period that year, and got a tutor - my Maths improved when I had the tutor (someone who actually helped me to learn the material)!

  • When I used to play WoW years ago I'd always put -6 x 6 - 6 = -12 in trade chat and they would all lose their minds. Adding that incorrect solution usually got them more riled up than having no solution.

  • While I agree the problem as written is ambiguous and should be written with explicit operators, I have 1 argument to make. In pretty much every other field if we have a question the answer pretty much always ends up being something along the lines of "well the experts do this" or "this professor at this prestigious university says this", or "the scientific community says". The fact that this article even states that academic circles and "scientific" calculators use strong juxtaposition, while basic education and basic calculators use weak juxtaposition is interesting. Why do we treat math differently than pretty much every other field? Shouldn't strong juxtaposition be the precedent and the norm then just how the scientific community sets precedents for literally every other field? We should start saying weak juxtaposition is wrong and just settle on one.

    This has been my devil's advocate argument.

    • While I agree the problem as written is ambiguous

      It's not.

      the answer pretty much always ends up being something along the lines of “well the experts do this” or “this professor at this prestigious university says this”, or “the scientific community says”.

      Agree completely! Notice how they ALWAYS leave out high school Maths teachers and textbooks? You know, the ones who actually TEACH this topic. Always people OTHER THAN the people/books who teach this topic (and so always end up with the wrong conclusion).

      while basic education and basic calculators use weak juxtaposition

      Literally no-one in education uses so-called "weak juxtaposition" - there's no such thing. There's The Distributive Law and Terms, both of which use so-called "strong juxtaposition". Most calculators do too.

      Shouldn’t strong juxtaposition be the precedent and the norm

      It is. In fact it's the rules (The Distributive Law and Terms).

      We should start saying weak juxtaposition is wrong

      Maths teachers already DO say it's wrong.

      This has been my devil’s advocate argument.

      No, this is mostly a Maths teacher argument. You started off weak (saying its ambiguous), but then after that almost everything you said is actually correct - maybe you should be a Maths teacher. :-)

    • I tried to be careful to not suggest that scientist only use strong juxtaposition. They use both but are typically very careful to not write ambiguous stuff and practically never write implicit multiplications between numbers because they just simplify it.

      At this point it's probably to late to really fix it and the only viable option is to be aware why and how this ambiguous and not write it that way.

      As stated in the "even more ambiguous math notations" it's far from the only ambiguous situation and it's practically impossible (and not really necessary) to fix.

      Scientist and engineers also know the issue and navigate around it. It's really a non-issue for experts and the problem is only how and what the general population is taught.

  • I guess if you wrote it out with a different annotation it would be

    ‎ ‎ 6



    = ## 6 -‐--------‐-------------- ## 2×3 ##





    I hate the stupid things though

  • A fair criticism. Though I think the hating on PEDMAS (or BODMAS as I was taught) is pretty harsh, as it very much does represent parts of the standard of reading mathematical notation when taught correctly. At least I personally was taught its true form was a vertical format:





    I'd also say it's problematic to rely on calculators to implement or demonstrate standards, they do have their own issues.

    But overall, hey, it's cool. The world needs more passionate criticisms of ambiguous communication turning into a massive interpration A vs interpretation B argument rather than admitting "maybe it's just ambiguous".

    • The problem with BODMAS is that everybody is taught to remember "BODMAS" instead of "BO-DM-AS" or "BO(DM)(AS)". If you can't remember the order of operations by heart you won't remember that "DM" and "AS" are the same priority, that's why I suggested dropping "division" and "subtraction" entirely from the mnemonic.

      It's true that calculators also don't dictate a standard but they implement what conventions are typically used in practice. If a convention would be so dominating (let's say 95% vs 5%) all calculator manufacturers would just follow the 95% convention, except maybe for some very special-purpose calculators.

      • In fairness, I did quite like the suggestion to just remove division and subtraction! One that should be taken to heart :)

      • Calculators do not implement "what conventions are typically used in practice." Entering symbols one by one into a calculator is a fundamentally different process from writing them in a sentence. A basic traditional calculator will evaluate each step as you enter it, so e.g. writing 1 + 2 3 will print 1, then 3, then 6. It only gets one digit at a time, so it has no choice. But also, this lends itself to iterative calculation, which is inherently ordered. People using calculators get used to this order of operations specifically while using calculators, and now even some of the fancy ones that evaluate expressions use it. Others switched to the conventional order of operations.

  • i didn’t fully understand the article, but it was really interesting reading summaries & side discussions in the comments here!

    i enjoy content like this that demonstrates how math is at its heart a useful tool for conceptualizing things vs some kind of immutable force.

  • Damn ragebait posts, it's always the same recycled operation. They could at least spice it up, like the discussion about absolute value. What's |a|b|c|?

    What I gather from this, is that Geogebra is superior for not allowing ambiguous notation to be parsed 👌