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  • Mines been named “WiFiArtThouRomeo” for, like, 20 years. Don’t know if it’s funny, but I think it’s cute. 

  • My sister had me name the wi-fi extender as "Papa John's Pizza and Abortions". My mother's side of the family is Catholic. We're still waiting for one of them to notice it


    This was back in the days when routers defaulted to no encryption with a stock password for the UI. Also I was the one who changed random people's SSID to that when I found an unsecured network.

  • [unavailable]

    I guess it's supposed to deter people from using it or something, but I have to admit that it did confuse me for a hot minute.

  • For a while mines been:

    "Free Public WiFi" for my secure main network

    "Secure Home Network No Touchy" as my open guest network

  • I saw "Martin Router King" and the classical "BND Überwachungsfahrzeug"(BND=German surveillance Service). Überwachungsfahrzeug means surveillance vehicle.