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Upload bad on desktops but not laptops

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The original was posted on /r/homenetworking by /u/blazezx1 on 2023-12-07 05:09:38+00:00.

Need some help figuring this out.

Download on always tests right, but upload tests like shit, unless I test from my laptop or my boss' Macbook on the same ethernet cable as the desktop testing badly.

It ramps up to full speed for a second then drops to under half.

I have tried:

  • Other computers
  • Driver updates
  • pcie cards
  • usb adapters
  • testing somewhere else
  • connecting the computers up at another premises and testing there(they test fine there)
  • cat5 shielded and cat6 cable.
  • testing the desktop straight on the fiber ont making it do the authentication.
  • lastly, tried the TCP optimizer from

I am somewhat at my wits end here.

Any help would be appreciated.


Forgot to add these that I also tried

  • safemode with networking
  • ubuntu server testing the same
  • fresh windows install