I think I'm currently in a state where I'm mostly contempt with my ever-evolving rice (more images in body text)
I think I'm currently in a state where I'm mostly contempt with my ever-evolving rice (more images in body text)
listening to music through mpd & ymuse + cava, cli-visualizer & pavucontrol
desktop with rofi, dunst and terminals (classic rice showcase picture)
looking at some rices with cute socks while doing garbage collection
also obviously with transparency turned off, so the images don't get weirdly half-transparentized
trying to understand sways codebase, so I can try to implement custom shaders for swayfx (pain)
- WM: i3 (+ almost identical rice on swayfx but not shown)
- bar: i3bar with i3status-rust
- Distro: NixOS
- term: alacritty
- shell: fish
- music: MPD with ymuse as frontend
- IDE: (VS)Codium
- browser: Librewolf
- launcher: rofi
- notification daemon: dunst
- color scheme: da-one black
- other accent color: #aa00ff
- compositor: picom with custom shaders