For me, literally everything except the balding and I really couldn't give a shit, I'll buzz it all off anyway.
Infinite rare fish? Well as it happens, fishing is my biggest hobby, so that's just fuckin delightful.
Mongolian real estate empire? Well that's passive income and/or something I can sell. As a mongol mogul, in gonna try working the angle of an exotic but affordable fishing, hunting, and nature tourism destination, really try to put Mongolia on the map for Western tourists.
No taxes dovetails nicely here, also making it easier to both expand as well as make the business model more resilient.
Neighbors scared of me? Great! If they seem cool, I'll reach out to them, otherwise, fear is a great way to not have to deal with shitty neighbors! In Mongolia they'll be far away anyway.
Night light to keep the monsters at bay.
And the balding we will deal with by just keeping it buzzed low or shaving my head completely.
B all the way. I'll use my real estate and no taxes to figure out a way to make a fuck ton of $400/month apartments like it's 1990 to help the less fortunate/average person. I'll then use the no taxes to hopefully refine my business model model to the point of making my affordable apartment business more widespread across the entire country and just keep expanding until I get either assassinated or receive a Nobel Prize.
I feel like it depends on who the neighbors are. Live in a suburb, cool. Live 45 minutes from the closest grocery store... yeah that neighbor is likely to murder you.
If its effectively a normal spread of people then its a resource. If this is some genie trick with unintended consequences like all of them being unemployable alcoholics who all need a place to crash then its a liability.
They’d no longer be considered “rare” then, right? Or can only I eat/keep them?
Night light
Could be good or bad. Is this a night light in just one specific room? Is it a flashlight I always have on me to use as needed? Is it a glowing orb that floats around me that I can’t control?
B. Sell all the fish, House the homeless, not have to pay taxes on anything including selling of fish and housing the homeless, walk past my neighbors every night at 10:01 PM with a cart of rare fish, pay for more hair with rare fish.
Who said that they are endangered? What if they are all new invasive fish, it didn't say they already existed in nature, simply that they are rare. A one of a kind fish, is the rarest of fish.
A: uncles take care of themselves (unlike the fish), you can have much more fun with uncles.
Always hard could be a problem... I mean, it means I could never wear jeans again. Could be always hard on demand.
Also I really like lambos. Tom Hardy is a cool guy as well.
You have serious real estate & infinite rare fish you can sell for a lot of money, and the government isn't tax-raping your profits to death, you can buy several or more lambos.
I might not be up to date with Mongolia real estate value. Isn't it most steppe?
Plus I really don't want to deal with people to sell them the fish. I'm more for a relaxed and fun life with all my uncles and Tom Hardy, not the hustle.