Anon considers playing Stray
Anon considers playing Stray
Anon considers playing Stray
I've never actually played it, but I was told that this picture of my cat looks like a scene from that game lol
That is an accurate statement.
For real, though. Stray is a fun little game, even if it's short. You can probably find it for dirt cheap if it's not already included on your preferred gaming platform. I played it via ps+ only a few months after it came out.
It 100% does. I didn’t play it either but I watched a streamer complete it instead of working one day and I don’t feel like he and I really had a much different experience of it
Lots of games have a simple interaction button. Stray had decent environmental puzzles and a fair amount of action for a game about a cat. I don't think the focus was really on action though it felt more like quiet exploration punctuated with tense high steaks chase scenes. I could imagine that is what a cat might feel like walking around in the world
Great game, a bit short and definitely not very replayable. I got the achievement for sub 2hr completion on my second playthrough
I spent like 2 hours alone chilling on a bookshelf and enjoying the music while I did something else.
it's more than that, and has a sweet story. I watched a friend play and we both enjoyed it
Stray is a great game. It's not complicated. I loved to just walking on the chessboard while the robots were playing a game, and getting a trophy just because of being messy.
Stray is short and gameplay is on the simpler side, but it’s got a great atmosphere. I was longing for more fetch quests come the end just to hang out in the Stray world some more.
I didn't finish this game. I was hoping for mirror's Edge but with a cat, but all I got was "press x to land exactly here"
Sounds like you were playing the wrong game for you. But then no reviews would have described it as being like Mirror's Edge so maybe you should have checked before you bought it.
I think you could take this experience as inspiration to make the game you wanted to play. It sounds like there's an opportunity there - Mirror's Edge with cats might be popular.
I did enjoy knocking that glass off the shelf though. Now I understand the appeal.
the original version from 40 years ago is a masterpiece:
Holy shit, I used to play this as a kid. Had totally forgotten about it, but that theme song on the Wikipedia page unlocked a lot of old memories.
Yes but in the plus side, you do get to scratch many walls and carpets and knock over bottles on shelves and stuff.
It's a cute game. I enjoyed it. A bit overpriced though.
I enjoyed it. Got it for"free" on release, with PlayStation extra. Got the platinum trophy and didn't play it again. Hoping there will be a sequel
Adored this game till the ending, which infuriated me.
I liked it until I got to the elevator. Then I got frustrated and stopped playing.
The first city level was great though
I'm not down for these kinds of games, either. Short, linear experiences with little to no agency are, IMO, barely even games. I tend not to spend my money on games that I will play through once in like 8 hours, and then never touch again except maybe years later out of nostalgia.
Personally that's the dream game for me. I haven't got time for hundreds of mid-tier grinding hours. Give me something with emotional impact and an absorbing world that lasts at most 10 hours.
If I want just gameplay I'll just play one of numerous ranked games to get that fix
I play these for the story, and the story in Stray was great.
This isn’t a telltale game and has more of an open world element which shakes it up a bit.
All in all, I really enjoyed the game and I generally would say exactly what you did.