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  • Final Fantasy 2 (actual 2 not the one with Cecil) is way underrated. Its got a dialogue system like Morrowind, skills that get better as you use them, a fantastic villian, and great story beats. Its also the first game to have Cid. Also also people love FF for the mix of fantasy and tech and 2 is the first game to really embrace that theme. 1 has a one off robot and the airship, but 2 really shows the empire abusing technology to retain power.

    SPOILERS SPOILERS [people love 6 because the world gets messed up, but 2 did it first with the empire destroying several cities] END OF SPOILERS

    And you have talking beavers and I think thats great.

    • The music is also great! I think people hate it because they try and min-max the combat and not just enjoy it for what it is.

    • I enjoyed it more after I played SaGa, felt like an earlier version of that idea, really underrated, the only people that really have genuine hate are probably japanese since it was quite bugged at release, but westerners played the mobile or psp ports of it that are fixed, it's a good game.

    • I had to scroll a bit but I found a fellow cultured fellow. I have FF2 on multiple platforms and not only do I agree with everything you said, but it makes me very sad that its system never got to be developed further in FF games. I love replaying it because I can focus on different play styles each time. Beyond some moments of grinding (like getting certain spells to drop or leveling select spells) the game/story is short and sweet. Also, one of the things I love so very, very much about FF2 (and 3 for this reason): so many enemies in one battle. I love prioritizing enemies or just AOEing, sometimes unloading just to survive or being very methodical so to conserve spells/MPs (depending on the version). Lastly, I love how good support is: control, buffing, debuffing - it's all solid. If I hated anything, I'd say that some versions has odd status healing/preventing.

  • Nostalgia creates some massive rose-tinted glasses.

    I've used to love FFVIII as a teenager and decided to buy it again for the Switch last year, but I legit couldn't progress more than a ten-minute-interval without either cringeing at the characters or being angry about them in some way. Why are they all so edgy? Why are their decisions always so incredibly stupid? I eventually realized that the characters are basically what a 12 year old would consider to be cool adults when in reality they're absolutely immature in every aspect.

    I really really tried to complete at least one playthrough again in the hopes that it would eventually get better, but snapped when the oh-so-mighty martial arts character, who had been showing off his melee skills in every effing cutscene, flat-out forgot that he has been fighting literal demons with his bare hands for the entire effing game only to realize AFTER a multiple day long imprisonment that he could just slap the guards around without having to get a weapon first. FFS how do you forget such a thing for longer than a week?!

    I guess the same kinda applies to FFVII because everyone I know who had played the game when it initially released still thinks it's THE best FF game to date and they're usually very very vocal about that opinion, and everyone who didn't play it "back in the day" just couldn't understand what was so great about it. I'm in the latter group BTW. I'm all for letting people enjoy what they want and I won't try to ruin anyone's fun with a game they like, but I am convinced that a huge portion of that hype is nothing more than nostalgia.

    • I feel the same way. Loved it as a teen. Possibly because the characters were just like teenagers.

      It's pretty cringe as a 38 year old trying to play through them again. And I definitely am not going to play for the gameplay. Even as a teen, I only played these for the stories because the combat is boring as fuck.

      And yet... Nostalgia hits like crazy. And, uh, Chrono Trigger still holds up, unlike most Final Fantasies.

      Edit: Final Fantasy 7's remake is still kinda cringe with the dialogue and made for teens, but the gameplay is so different and there is also a cool twist going on with the story that it's actually more fun than the original to me, and I loved it when it was new.

      • Chrono Trigger is an absolute classic ♥ even today it's still one of my favorite SNES games, along with Secret of Mana, Lufia, Terranigma and A Link to the Past. I still replay some of these every other year.

    • I guess the same kinda applies to FFVII because everyone I know who had played the game when it initially released still thinks it's THE best FF game to date and they're usually very very vocal about that opinion, and everyone who didn't play it "back in the day" just couldn't understand what was so great about it. I'm in the latter group BTW. I'm all for letting people enjoy what they want and I won't try to ruin anyone's fun with a game they like, but I am convinced that a huge portion of that hype is nothing more than nostalgia.

      As someone who was around then, it's hard to explain just how revolutionary the game was at the time to someone who wasn't there to witness it first hand.

      Though, FFVII is my favorite of the FFs, so there's that too.

      • I feel similar about Ocarina of Time. Still one of my favorite Zelda games, and absolutely revolutionary for the time it was published in, but horribly outdated compared to basically everything that exists today. Since almost every 3D game today has stuff like Z-targeting and companion NPCs giving in-game hints and context-sensitive buttons and the like, there is nothing new and baffling about that game to someone who is already used to these gimmicks and concepts being the bare minimum standard.

    • To be fair Squall was handled badly here, I think legends of localization had a piece about it. Localization wasn't great back then, it was actually even worse, we just didn't have original voiced dialogues to confirm discrepancies.

  • The first FF was the best game in the series. It was your party from start to finish. You could replay with different class make-ups. They didn't close off parts of the map as you progressed through the story and dump in characters or take them away as events unfolded. And, you could level 4 black belts to 50 and one shot Chaos with crazy 24 hit combos.

  • Final Fantasy X2 had one of the best battle systems in RPGs. Conversely, its story wasn't great, but I would maintain that most Final Fantasy games have equally terrible writing, just with with more melodrama.

    • FF fans love the battle system for X-2. My controversial opinion is that it's the worst. I hate navigating the dress sphere grid in battle, it's too fast paced, there's too many enemies that can 1HKO.

  • Cold take, I know, but I think FFVIIR is a falsely advertised sequel.

    • agreed, it was a clever bait-and-switch-with-an-out

      "no, remake doesn't stand for REMAKE ... it stands for RE-MAKE the story, completely, like .. history is being REMADE! it's time travel baby!"

      they knew what they were doing; literally EVERYONE was expecting a close remake of the original game for modern consoles, instead we got a FINE and VERY COOL SEQUEL, but nothing close to the REMAKE they led people to believe.

    • What do you mean by falsely advertised?

        • ::: spoiler Spoilers Major story changes and can only take place after the original has already happened. It's a retread, but a sequel nonetheless. They explicitly said in interviews and such that it would be a faithful remake (despite additions).
        • :::
  • Meteion deserves just ss much blame for what happened, if not more, than Hermes. I hate how easily everyone (in the game and in the fandom) just forgave her galaxy/universe scale genocide.

    • This I can absolutely get behind.

      “It’s not her fault, she was depressed.”

      How about no.

  • FF3 (DS) had the best class: Bard. Those who know, know...

    • I played it and I don't know. Explain?

      • While bard is jack of all trades master of none, he’s extremely good at everything and toward the end, if you get all his special gear, his damage is better than most damage dealers - overall. It’s just how his songs work that makes him stupid good. And thinking out your song order is fun too. Just great and no bard will ever FF3 DS bard

  • I think people pretend to like XII because it was their first contact with a MMOlike, there's no way someone actually loves that party.

    • The game improves greatly when Fran is the party leader.