Brave truth teller.
Brave truth teller.
Brave truth teller.
"This is a real quote, because nobody would ever pretend to be a famous person just to lie on the Internet." - Margot Robbie, Internet forum moderator and occasional actress
The ressemblance with the actress is striking
I did have a movie out this year and may have promoted it just a little bit here.
If saw definitive proof that the person behind this account was anyone other than Margot Robbie, no I didn't,
Living in a part of the world where we don’t really tip I have to ask, is tipping your landlord really a thing?
"Tipping the landlord" Some landlord/employer posted on Twitter how none of their employees/tenants are grateful for the nice things the capitalist provides them with. They said that they'd like to get tipped occasionally. It might have been a shitpost, but it blew up. Now, 'tipping the landlord' is an internet gag line. No one in real life tips their land lord.
It's as real as Kids requesting litter boxes in school because they identify as a furry, it's just meme BS that a specific political group has latched on to and bitch about. It's definitely not real.
It’s as real as Kids requesting litter boxes
That was a more subtle disinformation deflection by conservatives. Schools did need litter boxes for mandated mass shooting lockdown preparations.
Instead of the horror of children needing to use litter boxes because American conservatives cant regulate their firearms, it was, "Haha, liberals want litter boxes for furries."
A while back, there was this thing where some very out of touch landlords were whining about having to actually do things for their tenants and that tenants should tip them for this. Naturally, they were rightfully shamed and ridiculed for it and it never caught on, but the way I first heard about it was seeing another landlord agreeing with the original post.
It (used?) to be expected to tip your maintenance man at the end of the year in big apartment buildings (there's even a friends episode about it). Some scummy landlords try to claim that they are the maintenance man and more and so deserve a tip. I have personally had landlords ask for it,
No lol