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Switching to more privacy friendly alternatives

How have others gotten friends/family to make the switch? I’ve been doing a cleanup of my digital life over the last year or so and am trying to move to using more privacy friendly alternatives where possible.

example: I’d love to switch to Signal only but everyone I know only uses WhatsApp. I’ve mentioned switching to people in the past but it’s always the same response (I don’t have anything to hide)

  • I have a few friends and family on Signal. Pretty much everyone uses other services too (including myself) but Signal is installed on a few

    • I talk to some friends / family on Signal exclusively. They either already cared about it, or they're close enough that they trust my recommendation / still don't care but want to put in the effort
    • I talk to some friends / family on Signal only when we want to have a more private conversation
    • Some people won't ever be convinced, I talk to them on other services or in person when privacy is important. I set up boundaries to protect myself, and people usually respect that.

    This way I protect myself while respecting other people's choices.

    For you I'd recommend focussing on the second option. When you need to talk privately, ask the person to install it and give a short explanation for why it's better. If they do, then great it's installed and it'll get used once in a while. Maybe they will see other people and build up the network. If they don't install it, then suggest an alternative like talking in person

    • I tell everyone that messenger is not installed on my phone and I check messages once a week. So if they contact me there, expect a one week response time. (Or more.)

  • You're not going to convince anyone to suffer inconvenience for something that has no tangible benefit in their eyes. The best you can do is give people the option to contact you on Signal and explain (briefly) why you prefer it. After enough experience, you realize there is no argument you can make that will convince people to care about privacy. The people who join you on Signal either already care about privacy (but maybe didn't realize it) or value your comfort over theirs.

    Personally, I would rather send unencrypted SMS instead of using a Meta-owned service. I don't want to be part of the network effect keeping people on Facebook. Everyone with a SIM card in their phone already has access to SMS, but few use it if they can help it, so I don't think I'm contributing to a network effect by doing this. The only MMS client I use is Signal, so anyone can contact me over there if they want more functionality. That's the only tactic I use, and so far, it has been unsuccessful.

  • I have gotten tech minded friends to switch with some success. Getting my wife to switch to privacy friendly communications with me was easy in that I did all of the leg work. I setup her accounts and installed the apps. As far as she was concerned the phone came with XMPP, Matrix and Tuta.