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  • Worked for a small business which did electronics repair, and which had recently picked up e-waste recycling. Our boss, the owner, was known for getting baked out of his mind and imagining things which he needed to tell his staff, and would think the next day that he had actually told that thing to his staff. Just to give you an idea of the kind of guy the owner is, we had two company-wide group texts for the 11 people on payroll. One had everyone, and the other had everyone except the owner. The owner never knew about that one, and honestly that arrangement was a necessity to keep turnover low and by extension the business from running aground.

    Anyway, my coworker is talking to a customer at the counter, who is dropping off an old television to be recycled. The customers leave, and the owner walks in.

    Owner: "Wait, is this a plasma? We can't take this!"

    Coworker: "why not?"

    Owner: "We can't do plasmas! We've never done plasmas!" sees the stack of plasma screen televisions "What the fuck?! Who accepted these?"

    Me: "Dude, you've never mentioned that we can't do anything with plasmas before."

    Owner: "Yeah! It was in the class on e-waste recycling."

    Coworker: "You were the only one who took that because you didn't want to fly anyone else to Vegas for a four day conference."

    At this point I think the owner started to realize he hadn't actually disseminated anything other than the logistical aspects of the e-waste business to the employees.

    Owner: "So, what, no one knows what we actually accept for e-waste?"

    Me: "I don't think so, man."

    The owner looks at me with obvious anger and with that look that says he's about to blame me for something.

    Owner: "So, what y'all want a fucking list or something?"

    Coworker: "Yeah, that would be great, actually."

    The owner turned red, looked about ready to angry-cry, and walked out. Went home and got baked. I don't think he ever actually put a list together. The e-waste thing fell through a few months later after I left because the warehouse he was renting and illegally living out of was like a quarter the size needed, and there wasn't any money left for processing equipment. He franchised a corporate brand like a year later.

    Fuck you, Matt, you goddamn moron.

  • For documenting the accurate number of hours I worked, in a teaching lab. The department head didn't believe that the lab I taught (as a grad student) needed the hours it was given. Keep in mind, I had to do everything for the lab: create the lab manual, design lab activities, get ethics approval, create lab lectures, setup and clean up the lab, and do all the marking.

    Turns out, the department used that document to pay me. This was never explained to me, usually we just get paid the set amount of hours, and I was of the understanding that this was just an audit of my hours to justify what I was getting. Turns out I worked about an extra 30% of the hours set for that lab for the semester. As a result, the department couldn't fully pay me until the following year because they didn't have it in their budget to pay for that extra 30%.

    I ended up getting an ear full from the department head, but he backed off when I told him I was simply doing what he asked and that I wasn't inflating the numbers to get higher pay, since I had no idea they intended to pay me based on that audit.

    Perhaps it's coincidence, or perhaps it was petty revenge, but later that year at gathering of the faculty and grad students he announced that I had won a major scholarship (one that would've paid pretty well for a grad student), and had me stand up in the crowd along with the other winners. Then, immediately after the assembly, he runs up to our lab office to tell me he read the sheet wrong and I hadnt actually won the scholarship, he just read the wrong name. I spent the next few days shamefully having to explain to everyone that, no I didn't get the award.

    *edit: spelling mistakes.