nuclear chicken
nuclear chicken
nuclear chicken
MS Paint Chicken
All that banned Red #40 had to go somewhere, right?
Anyone that eats that will be peeing out of their ass the next day 😂
Anyone that eats that will be peeing out of their ass the next day 😂
Sphincter scheduled for summary combustion, right cleric? 😏
Oh I absolutely love your username. That movie was a masterpiece
He’s either grilling fresh lobsters, a brick of chili powder, or he’s messed with the color balance on his camera
Why does that onion looked cooked and the grill look cold?
The thumbnail looks like someone just drew over the meat with red in MSPaint.
That's chicken? I thought that was melted plastic
That shade of red looks weirdly like the Photoshop element selector overlay thing
So does the fact that it doesn't line up with the chicken
Looks like a hardcore band logo. Dunno what it says though.
Is this the call of the void, but for eating food?