can I get a amen?
can I get a amen?
can I get a amen?
Yo why you thinkin' 'bout your daughters vagina?
Trump has left the chat
Because sandwiches always remind me of it.
Just to make it clear, to anyone who may be in doubt... Ussage does not affect the way your "sandwich" looks.
Not true at all. A vagina looks way different when you're having vaginal sex.
Pretty close, yeah.
The size of labia would stay the same, the muscles inside would change but not in regards to number of partners but how much exercise the muscles would get.
The virgin are much less in the risk of pregnancy, which carries the danger of rips and tear in the area at child birth
Why does it seem like they all have weird obsessions with their own children’s genitalia?
Hey, that’s not entirely true!
They also have weird obsessions with other children’s genitalia. (See: gender neutral bathrooms in schools snd outrage over kids playing other gender roles in school theatre.)
WTF is wrong with those perverts?
It's a shitpost.
It's a shitpost.
Not sure if hungry or horny.
But, serious question, isn't it time to call CPS?
This is c/badwomensanatomy gold
It's been posted in the Reddit equivalent quite some times even before I left.
"I fucked her so good it caused her labia to grow. Then, the hooker gave me my money back. True story, bro."
Legen, wait for it: dary!
TIL the labia is fucked out of the woman. Science is fascinating.
I hope their daughter does not see this post and develop body dismorphia.
Or other women who see this. Both are normal variations. Although I wouldn't recommend sticking it between some buns.
Republicans obsessed with their daughters vaginas.
It's so gross and weird. Also this makes no sense.
Mine looks more like the one on the right, and I've been around the block more times than I can count... it's just physiology, sex parts look different for us all. Just like every dick I've seen in person looks a bit different from the one before. Some are longer, shorter, wider, bent to the right or left, different shades, some even have cute lil moles on them, some hairier higher on the shaft than others. We're just different and that's fun!
This is wrong on so many levels: body shaming, incest, "slut" shaming, describing how his own child's reproductive bits look like, just... ugh
He’s saying his daughters are cheap and next to nothing compared to Taylor Swift’s vagina, which is an incredibly weird thing to say.
“You know how when you buy a ham sandwich, you’re usually buying it primarily for the ham? My daughters are represented by the sandwich on the right. Taylor Swift’s genitalia is represented by the one on the left. I think I’ve made my point. Praise the Lord!”
If I'm eating a ham sandwich, I'm eating the one with the most ham in it.
Although that looks like some watery reformed lowest price shit ham.
Truly, the real sin here is that ham.
I'm no expert on Taylor Swift...but hasn't she always been particularly picky on the people she's dated?
I know why they're going immediately to the "she's obviously a whore" trope, but it's not even fucking true!
She has to be picky, because she pegs exclusively.
This argument is so tired and cringe lol, there's no difference between fucking many guys and fucking the same guy many times.
I think what he's saying is that his dick is so small that when he rapes his daughters for Jesus he doesn't do much physical damage, it's just purely mental and emotional trauma.
That's how we know this guy reads a lot of New Testament, Jesus famously talked about this kind of stuff all the time.
Ham Sandwich passage 41:32 sayeth...
Yeah the whole of chapters 36-41 is basically all talking to His followers about their daughters' vaginas. I'm surprised it's not more well-known.
Like, I understand the sexism, that's the point of being conservative, but what the fuck does Christianity have to do with it?
I understand, intellectually, that these people are just fundamentally, willfully ignorant about pretty much everything but they always surprise me anyways.
I'm not even sure I fully understand this...
Christian conservatives thing too much about their daughters vaginas.
He wants to fuck his daughter and also fuck Taylor Swift, but he really would like to fuck his daughter.
You're probably missing the context of it. See, a whole bunch of people seem to think that the more sex a woman has, the bigger her labia get. It makes no sense, obviously, but that's what these fucking morons believe. Add to that the other bit of context, which is that those same people generally are men who hate women, and believe that women should be essentially property.
So what this dicknose is saying is that his daughter is a good, wholesome Christian who would never have sex out of wedlock, and thus avoid having her private bits stretched, unlike godless heathens like Taylor Swift (who is also Christian, btw), who have sex all the time with multiple partners because of their twisted, perverted natures.
I'm still waiting for a convincing explanation as to why if repeated sex will stretch out your labia, it only happens when you have sex with different partners rather than with the same partner. Some kind of weird mental gymnastics at play for that one.
That man lusts after his own daughter, because all pedophiles are nazis and all nazis are pedophiles.
That left sandwich looks a lot tastier, just saying. Looks like the right is all bread lol
So you would
I would love a nice, juicy, pink, salty, wet... Uh... ham sandwich, yeah, ham sandwich
But God damn do I love me a ham sandwich
Glad they specified Taylor's vagina, just in case you didn't get they were talking about vaginas.
How do you know what they have though…..
What the actual fuck
Let's assume his daughters are of legal sexual consenting age. Taylor is still getting mayonnaise in her bun after a hot pastrami.
Jesus: "wtf?"
Wtf, I have so many questions...
I'd eat both.
Not in my experience..
This meme is old enough that the sandwich on the right now looks like the one on the left!
Just to make it clear, to anyone who may be in doubt... Ussage does not affect the way your "sandwich" looks.