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  • Never forget Voyager, where Torres could invent a brand new method of transporter lock and implement it on-the-fly all through a console on the bridge, but even the bio-neural gel packs weren't smart enough to get a power requisition down to the bottom decks without someone putting it into a padd and physically walking it down there.

  • My desk has a desktop with two monitors, a laptop, an iPad, and a phone. I use each of them for different reasons throughout a day.

    TBH the only reason I have so few devices laying around is because they’re expensive. If I lived in a post-scarcity society, I’d have a lot more tablets on my desk.

    • My desk has a desktop with two monitors, a laptop, an iPad, and a phone. TBH the only reason I have so few devices laying around is because they’re expensive.

      so few

      So few?

  • It made sense a few years ago, but come on, how many portable devices with large screens do we have now?

    Plus if I could replicate 10 iPads so I could have a page open on each to make research easier, I'd do it. What's better, having to switch between tabs or apps, or just grabbing a pad with the info ready to cross reference.