Elon Musk Urges Mr Beast to Post Videos on Twitter for Equal Earnings
Elon Musk Urges Mr Beast to Post Videos on Twitter for Equal Earnings
Elon Musk Urges Mr Beast to Post Videos on Twitter for Equal Earnings
Public begging? How embarrassing
Desperate times call for desperate measures
Yes, it's so cringe. Honestly, he is like a child. Especially that this is all done publicly.
He is getting exactly what he wants everyone is talking about him, why do I want to be reminded everyday about how he is?
Don't worry Zuck will follow suit. And if you make content and it does bring in revenue to you, why not leach extra money out of the 3 biggest tax dodgers!
Its not so embarrassing if you need it. But when you're one of the wealthiest people on the planet and literally begging, that's seriously embarrassing.
plz :(
-Elon Musk
I didn’t realize anyone earned anything on Twitter ever. Is this just video views? Is this new?
Also, fuck Musk, etc.
I think it's new, he decided to add it to attract Tucker Carlson. I don't know who would watch a whole 20 minute video on their phone though.
I would. Not on Twitter though because their video player sucks
My wife will binge watch TV shows on her phone. Ones with epic views like The Expanse. I don't get it but she's fine with it.
I would if i was on a train. I don't know if I would do it with Twitter's video player though...
I don’t know who would watch a whole 20 minute video on their phone though.
In some countries, a phone as a daily computer for everything is much more popular than actual computers.
How is he going to be able to handle more videos when he has to ration text views because it's melting his servers.
He's always been desperate for attention, but now the public sentiment has finally turned against him everything he does just looks sad.
Oh and his memes were always stale AF.
Elon just wants everyone to think he's funny and smart.
Unfortunately he's so determined to be constantly visibly online it's completely shattered that illusion.
He's just not funny.
A lot of comedy comes from situational absurdity of unexpected actions, and there is nothing that kills the joke faster than to realize that they are not pretending. It was funny at first when a boomer (Ok, elder Gen X) billionaire started posting bad middle school humor on Twitter, it immediately stopped being funny when it turns out his real maturity level never got past middle school.
Which is also why Trump is such a black hole for comedy, you just can't make fun of him, because any absurd and ridiculous thing you can think of him doing, you would expect him to actually do it.
Oh and his memes were always stale AF.
Brutal. Just twist the knife why don't you?
Two people in this world that you should never get an IOU from: Trump and Musk.
They just don't pay their bills. It's not worth the effort.
With what money, Elon? You can't afford to pay Google or office rent but you're going to pay Mr. Beast?
He’s perfectly capable of paying both. He doesn’t want to, and because he’s rich, he doesn’t have to. There is a reason billionaires end up with so much money, and fairly compensating other parties isn’t it.
In fact, unfairly compensating other parties literally is it.
They don't have to rip other people off, they just choose to. I had a girlfriend whose family was quite wealthy... she loved shopping at the dollar store, and her mother acted overwhelmed with glee when she found a dozen past-date eggs for .65 at the grocery store. Is that how they became wealthy? Fuck no, they inherited a hotel.
Mr Beast will always have money if he does it though, even if he loses all his other money he'll still have an unpaid debt from Pissbaby Musk.
Every time Elon begs for money, I donate to my Mastodon or Lemmy admins.
You should be really wealthy, my friend.
Not for long, it seems. With all that donating.
Absolute Chad Move
Except he doesn't seem to be begging for money here. He's looking to give more away
A company notorious for revenue problems and missing bill payments is definitely who I would want to enter a business relationship with. Where do I sign up?
And run by a guy notorious for not paying his bills
It's just like lawyers being recruited to work for Trump
Exactly. Unless they can negotiate a better wage that will hold up against a lawsuit, it is equivalent to a modern scam.
Richest man in the world begging for pennies.
Yeah and his best offer is I promise I'll pay you what you're already being paid...
How can MrBeast post a 10-minute video on Twitter? Should he make a thread for a video? 😆 😆
He can post a 10 second video containing a QR code to his YouTube full length video
Blue subs can upload videos up to 2hrs in length
And have it buffer at 144p for half that duration
I don't get why Twitter didn't try to make a Youtube-like video platform before? I wonder if it's because venture capital has caused brain rot in the executive teams at these tech companies? It seems obvious to launch something like that, and they 100% have (had) the talent and infrastructure to build and support it. Even if it isn't massively successful on day one, it could be successful in the future with a strong marketing effort.
If I didn't know that these companies were run by incompetent idiots, my first suspicion would be some kind of collusion. Trying to do it now that Twitter is a sinking ship is laughable.
They didn’t have anywhere close to the infrastructure to compete with YouTube
Based off earnings from before Twitter was purchased, they were making less money than Snapchat - and Snapchat is having to close down gfycat due to the cost of serving gifs - much less having the main focus be long form videos
Doesn't Elon hate trans people or whatever?
He's a right-wing billionaire, hating everybody but himself comes with the territory.
He has a trans daughter who disowned him. I don't know why, but you can probably guess.
"He" being Elon, I believe, not Mr Beast.
I could be wrong about Mr Beast, however. But Elon def has a trans kid and this is the source of his bigotry.
He likely hates them because his daughter is trans and completely wrote him off. She changed her name wanting to have no association to her father.
Soon after this he started increasing his anti trans shit.
Also, his ex Grimes is/was dating a trans person, Chelsea Manning.
Not sure if he hates anything but it does look like he looks at most people as lesser beings.
I didn't realise Mr. Beast was trans
Chris from Mr. Beast is non-binary.
Link from below:
Funny how the one bigotry designed and advertised for women ends up being coopted by shouty men.
Pretty sure Mr Beast is a company, not a person. I mean, we know who he is, but like, he isn't the guy managing millions of dollars.
Pretty sure they are a well oiled machine, still making ridiculous amount of money.
Asking them to come to your platform publicly like that would be like BC college asking the Red Sox to play a few games on their turf for funzies.
They wouldn't show up without a down payment equal to what they pull down on an average night at home.
Are you bill Simmons? This is a great analogy to Boston sports and the only person I know who can do that is Bill Simmons. But I guess that's because I live in Florida lol
I mean, the Sox do play a double header with BC and Northeastern every spring training, so you could see the theoretical game in Florida if you wanted
Fuck Musk. He should do us all a favour and go suck on the tail end of one of “his” rockets.
All the jokes aside, it's still amazing the CEO over a year in doesn't even know how profitable being an user that drives engagement on the site is compared to a (I guess) competitor like youtube. He's just like we're as profitable as youtube for you, or if not we can be, like the guy knows nothing and is just throwing claims out there with no basis in reality or plan to follow through on them.
over a year in
The deal closed at the end of October. He's also appointed a new CEO, so while he owns, the title isn't with him. He's still in charge, though. Still an asshole, too.
This looks so desperate
Interesting that he would try to use the potential number of views as a selling point while also publicly decimating the reach of Twitter posts lol
Views are just a number in a database.
He just wants popular and already famous people on his platform. He doesn't understand that a well designed platform will surface that content for the people that want it. Instead he wants to jump straight to things that are already popular and then force everyone to see those things. It's completely backwards.
Not sure elon could afford the cloud bills if mrbeast actually did that
Has he started paying them yet?
Last I heard, the new CEO talked him into not getting cut off by Google: Reuters
Shouldn't Mr. Musk pay his server bills first?
I thought everything was on the clouds, not on servers
You hire servers to take the orders from clients and bring those orders to the clouds. Then they take the data from the clouds and bring it to the clients. It's the RESTaurant protocol
Or at least its rent.
Can't pay what you don't have. If only there was some way to draw a large population to your platform so that you could sell more ads. Maybe convincing a popular video creator to also host their content on your service?
Begging like a pathetic little bitch boy aint how ya get folks like mr beast to work with ya. But irregardless if he wanted creators he'd improve the infrastructure for video sharing and give mr beast a good offer. But musk is reach not intellegent.
Wish Twitter would just stop existing already. Why do people acknowledge the shitty owner of the site at all? Just keep this scum out the news. Easy.
If Twitter stops existing it will just mean less competition in the social media sphere and help further expand Meta’s share in the market. That’s not a good thing.
Most people don't have any fucks to give over who owns what. If its running and convenient to them, they'll use it.
You need to know which way the shit is floating so you can avoid it.
Thing is that most news editors still have to eat and pay rent. They do not run on subsidy and basic income so that they can just do fuck all. Unless this changes, mainstream news will continue to carry content that drives clicks and engagements.
Even billionaires are begging MrBeast for shit now, lmao.
Top bad Twitter's video player is very bad, and Twitter's but rate is very noticably worse than YouTube.
Also I don't watch Mr beast so I don't give a shit in the first place.
You spelt "but rate" wrong. It should be "butt rate".
top bad that
No one would watch videos in GARBAGEp resolution when 1080p is right behind a corner on YT
I deliberately lower streaming quality on everything I watch. If the thing is really worth it I might watch it in 720p. Everything else goes in 480p.
The push for 4k is a level of consumerism I'm not comfortable with, having the world going to shit as fast as it's going.
Even I don't get where you're coming from and I won't replace the 720p TV in my bedroom because I don't want to deal with some smart TV crap and the resolution is fine because it's a small TV.
But intentionally not watch it at low resolution because fuck society? Makes no sense to me.
"consumerism"? My dude, it's pre produced video files. With hardware acceleration it takes barely any real processing power to play back 4k video.
You are not changing anything or making any difference in whether the world is "going to shit". The Internet bandwidth you're getting is being artificially choked by your ISP...always.
It feels like you think it's some kind of moral victory and wanted to take some kind of arbitrary stand against "consumerism" and landed here.
Unless you actually have bandwidth limitations or don't have a screen capable of displaying the content, lowering to DVD quality is achieving nothing at all.
I don't really care for 4K. The diminishing returns isn't worth it, and it's really turning into a bandwidth problem for the major players that offer it for free.
But, I can't get behind 480p. That shit is garbage resolution, especially on a TV or computer.
His new CEO is desperate as well.
LMAO Twitter's community has been the cesspool of the internet for ages now and everybody knows it. "On Twitter YOU can be real, as long as you're real straight, cis "non-transgendered", and far right.
That lady is in so over her head all I see is her hands moving around frantically with that copy paste reply.
We all know she was put in the CEO position to take the fall, she has no way to save or fix anything.
I mean, she’s “right” in that Twitter can’t be duplicated — but it can be made obsolete by better alternatives.
YOU build the Twitter community
Uhhh.. does she know what happened to Twitter during this year lol?
How long until Spez starts parroting that line?
Lmao elon is so thirsty, it’s hilarious
“We’ll pay you!” - Guy famous for not paying Twitter bills
Big 14 year old begging game dev to port gta to switch energy
Please I'll buy 2 copies so my sister and I can play together
How is he a fake philanthropist???
Google the definition of the word philanthropist, he's a pretty on the nail example.
When your philanthropy is just enough to offsett your taxes and you still get to make money off of the assets you donate until the term of the trust expires, then is it really philanthropy? Not to mention, a lot of the time the "charity" they donate the assets to are run by them indirectly, and it's then impossible to track where the money goes after that.
Donate your stock to a charity through a trust before you sell it. You get a tax break that year for the donation. The trust sells the asset and is tax exempt so no capital gains tax. You take 5% every year as that amount appreciates from investing it. Only pay regular income tax on that which you wrote off with another "donation". Make your money back over 15-20 years, then make a profit until the trust expires, or you do and then your kids make the profit. Charity gets whatever is leftover after the trust term expires.
Just one example of why "philanthropy" is usually still making profit for them, maybe slightly less profit in some cases than they could have made with it otherwise, but considering they already have more money than the next 100 generations could possibly use, it's just a small price to pay for the PR.
He's philanthropic in the same way Extreme Home Makeover is...
@oldghost wtf. even if he is "raking in money from the back" he is still giving a shit ton to those in need. and hes using the money he earns, pumps them back into the videos and comunity.
Nobody's going to watch long form videos on Twitter as long as YouTube exists
I don't feel that their system is even designed to share millions of video streams every minute like YouTube
I know that if I have internet connection so shitty that images don't load on websites for minutes, there are still two websites that somehow manage to squeze videos in that bandwith, and those are YouTube and PornHub, I don't think Twitter has the same network infrastructure capabilities
What do you mean? Didn't you see how well the DeSantis presidential campaign announcement went?
Just when you thought he can't be any more embarrassing...
It's embarrassing for him to advertise his companies video platform?
It is when you're publicly begging on said platform. The correct thing to do would have been to reach out over DM or even better, reach out to the production team that runs Mr Beast's channel and begin conversations.
You know, like any other serious company might do.
The only reason he did this publicly is for the attention.
Twitter video is notoriously shit. Uploading results in unintended trimming of the end and sharing such a video has "mixed success" being shared to other platforms. Also, does he guarantee the same pay out as youtube? his views are significantly worth less than a view on youtube for him. Think he basically counts what youtube counts as an "impression" as a view. That's huge when most youtubers of Jimmy's size get a CTR of like 10% ... so thats people who click in to view after an impression. So if the followers were the same size and such Jimmy would 10x the ad revenue moving to twitter.
That wreaks of bullshit. Now if you're being charitable you'd say oh well he probably meant this or that... but thats the problem. Now we have to interpret something that was said with assertive authority. So this is "embarrassing" cause its Elon basically begging for more content on his platform that he can barely serve to his users (limited posts) to try justify a Blue purchase to potentially slow the bleeding. And thats transparently so, but he phrased it like it'd be in Jimmy's interest which most people are just seeing through.
Damn, I thought I was on r/funny for a second then I remembered reddit didn't exist
fuck elon
two downvotes man? not even lemmy is free of elon's boolickers
I have no idea i'd get this many upvotes 😘 . Nothing against technology ♥️ ♥️
Because how dare anyone feel like just the two words "fuck elon" isn't insightful or interesting commentary, how dare anyone have differing views than my own, how dare anyone not drown me in their praise and fake internet points
Eh.. mr Beast is a "your people get in touch with my people" kind of guy, and by people I mean lawyers talking about money.
Please clap
Elone will surely pay content creators. He just doesn't like to pay anyone else.
Tech is different because people / regulators don't largely understand tech, lots of people praise "moving fast and breaking things" and folks like Elone hand wave over things like bills and pat themselves on the back for being "innovators".
If more people understood that folks like Elone aren't "business geniuses" any more than criminals already are.
putting earnings equal to youtube... lol
i mean sure, it sounds great
but... their site is utter shit, if you use it as a video-consumption media...
I think you could leave the last part out and would still be acuarate
he's already begging
Does Twitter even host video?
Apparently Tucker Carlson's new show is (or was. I'm not sure whether he took it down due to Faux News suing him for breaking his non-compete clause after they fired him) there, so I guess it must? 🤷
One could ask them: „How come you're not posting on our platform? Can we improve anything?”
Or you can go the Elon Musk way.
Is it PR/purely for publicity? Is it a spontaneous thought posted as a Tweet? Is it an offer with public visibility for increased impact? Is it underhanded trying to get more publishers to join the platform? Is it desperate try to get them or anyone as a publisher? It's certainly ambiguous and unprofessional. But that's nothing new.
Chief Advertising Officer
I get why people are doubtful about Musk. I just wanna see YouTube's monopoly broken and streamers/entertainers get their due. I do not like how YouTube treats content creators. Maybe a competitive alternative is a good thing.
Given that Twitter's already relatively tiny user base is dwindling, the platform is now account-walled, and Musk is a notorious liar, I doubt any prominent creators are going to even consider cross-posting to Twitter.
A competitive alternative would be great, but Twitter isn't going to be it.
It would take a lot to beat YouTube though, and honestly I'm not sure it can be done given the extreme cost and general lack of revenue.
What fucking wild times we live in. This whole Elon vs Zuck thing about copyright. And how I see more people want Zuck to win. And now, we've got Musk trying to go after YouTube.
It's a mess.
I in no way want Musk to win. I just think the whole series of events is wild
Yup, Elon is such an ass that I'm cheering for Mark Zuckerberg of all people. What crazy times we live in
When people are rooting for the Zuck instead of for you, that's when you know that you've fucked up beyond any doubt.
I never thought I'd see people rushing to and championing and saying how much they love a new Zuckerberg owned platform like they have with threads lol. Everyone's always saying they want facebook to die, and how they won't use anything with a facebook account, and so on...........and then bam, 100 million users in a few days lol
Do the patreon and microtransactions models actually work for creators these days, are they good alternatives to yt?
can i haz some eyeballs uwu
the wealthiest man on the planet
Someone has been showing my 7-year-old his videos at daycare, so him.
What? Mostly kids watch him but theres no reason to believe its fake.
What do you mean by mr.beast is fake?
Very pathetic Elon. It will not make any sense to the man who build an empire on YouTube to post videos on Twitter or any other social media. It's not about the money, it's about braniding. Mr Beast is a Youtube icon. And it would not be a suprise I'd they have some contracts with YouTube.
If Elon wants to compete he needs to focus on new talents who use Twitter as their main and only plataform, similar to what Twitch does. Probably he should give Vines a second chance. I think it was Twitter error to close it. Now shorts and streaming are on demand.
Trying to steal other platforms talents is just nonsense.
Even if Mr beast posted his videos on Twitter I doubt it would make a difference. Why would people come to Twitter just to watch his vids?
They wouldn't go there for the videos. The videos would be watched by the people already on twitter and scrolling through trending, then presumably some would follow and watch them in their regular feed. I rarely use twitter but I like the idea of hearing how the payment he's promising pans out given all of twitter's unpaid bills lately.
Eww...the smell of desperation.
144p MrBeast
Can Lemmy do anything besides post about Elon, Threads, Zuckerberg, and Reddit? Is it just a bunch of bots spamming the place?
I came here to avoid all that shit, not talk about it.
Can i offer you some healty...
Then kindly suggest you stop reading technology@lemmy.world. Like, duh.
And I kindly suggest you create a create a community called "billionaire drama and promotion" for all this low quality content so technology can actually be about tech.
to be fair you can subscribe/unsubscribe from communities. I often do this. If /c/news is too political, i unsub from /c/news, i can then go and find some other news community that posts interesting things that aren't as political
similarly, /c/technology@lemmy.world is not the only technology community out there, as is obvious, so we can go and find other things :) your feed is yours! own it! don't wait for others to fix it cuz you'll very often be dissatisfied.
It seems like the best way is view "all" not just local, and block shit you don't want to see as you come across.
I've gotten rid of most of the meme subs, formula 1, subs for languages I dont speak, or just any topic I don't care about.
If I see something I'm interested in, I subscribe. Eventually I'll have enough to just view subscribed, but this way I get to see what s out there
Stop thinking about Lemmy as an open source Reddit. Dislike the content of this community? Subscribe to another community or instance. You're not forced to be here.
Then post about shit you want to talk about. Or just scroll past the ones you don't want to talk about. No one is forcing you to enter threads (ah fuck meta for making that statement ambiguous) and comment.
Be the change you want to see
In all honesty we need to make a seperate community for this subject.
This is !technology, and tech nowadays is overloaded by these people. You can check/create other communities for other topics.
Well, it looks like a W for Zuck, I just hope it's not doom for the Fediverse, somehow. I don't really care if the Twitter exodus goes elsewhere, they've already been stepping on the flowers pretty hard at Mastodon, I just don't want to be somehow annexed by Facebook.
Supposedly threads will work with the fediverse. I hope they stick to that promise https://help.instagram.com/169559812696339