I want to get back into reading, so I'm thinking of getting a Paperwhite. But I have no idea if it's possible to transfer files to it from a computer, and I have no experience with pirating books.
Do I go to the same places I torrent movies and games or are there special places dedicated to E-Books?
EDIT: So many awesome answers on here! You guys have been very helpful. Thanks a lot!
Anna's Archive, Libgen, Mobilism, IRC (I use a self-hosted service called OpenBooks for this). I use Calibre for metadata sorting, plug Kindle in and move books that way and keep it on airplane mode.
Also, new Kindle jailbreak for <= if anyone's interested. Managed to get KoReader on my 10th Gen Basic.
The best way to get back into reading is to go to your local libray, get a card, set up an the library app for ebooks, have the librarian recommend you something based on what you like, and start reading it. I got back into reading a year ago, have read about a dozen books, and haven't spent any money so far just by heading to the library. I personally like to have a book with me but if you keep your e-reader around and just read it during the times you'd usually check social media or your phone you'll get back into it in no time. I wish you luck!
Not exactly piracy, but if the book in question is public domain, my favorite site is Standard eBooks! Very high quality books, with proper formatting and translations.
Hey, just wanna shout out to your local library. Overdrive (Libby app) is amazing, but only works on kindles in the USA. Double check if kindle supports overdrive in your country and if it doesn't you may want to get a Kobo or a third party e-reader instead.
Either that or you can use DeDRM to strip the adobe digital editions drms to keep the library books after they expire.
Give Kobo a look, Amazon isn't the only name in the game. Kobo lets you connect directly to your library and check out books on the device, I absolutely love mine after having a couple Kindles.
Maybe look into an Onyx Boox instead of a Kindle. It will let you download books straight from the web (like standardebooks.org and Project Gutenberg) without having to side load. Also, you can add the Libby and Overdrive apps to it since it accesses the Google Play store. Also, it accepts all files formats so you don't have to convert anything.
You can find many e-books on general trackers like 1337x.
You should check out anna's archive. It's a website which provides access to books from several sources like z-lib and libgen (download, not torrents).
Yeah, you can sideload pirate ebooks onto a Kindle. There are some restrictions with file formats, most people use Calibre if they run into issues with them. For ebooks I just grab mine from libgen most of the time.
Regarding the sources for books, you've gotten a lot of recommendations already. Loading them onto the kindle is super easy. You cannot only transfer via USB, your kindle even gets it's own mail address you can then just mail your books to and have them converted and transferred by Amazon.