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Categorizing themes and visions of solarpunk fiction

I saw an effort at trying to systematize solarpunk elsewhere that felt a bit confused, but it reminded me of this. I'm not typically inclined to try to taxonamize everything, but I'll admit that the appeal definitely isn't lost on me. This felt useful.

  • I know it's probably not solarpunk, but is there one where I could be a cyborg brain just doing whatever I can that is helpful and/or just existing in some other way?

    Because I don't expect I'd ever see even the beginning of such a future, aside from the unlikely event that my head is cryopreserved (and that still assumes revival is possible under good circumstance, with cyborg tech good enough to exist comfortably).

    =digital/VR, static or passenger/"barnacle"/redundant/lookout, roving, tiny or big, torpor, symbiosis etc

    • I mean the picture looks more dystopian, but in a free socity You can look and life like how ever you want. Also maybe there is a back story to why you live as such a brain. While it is an utopia accidents can still happen. Maybe while working on a community project your body was blown away but yor community which has good neuroligist saved you. Or maybe you where there at the final days of the Cyberpunk era, when the catpital-state.complex maked the last and most brutal attemps to destroy the revolution. And now you are trying to fix the problems the old system created.

      • The image is just the best I could get stablediffusion to do that looked like something that hints at it having a brain. Though I'd also say welding in a dark+hazy garage probably is usually going to look dystopian.

        And I was talking from my own perspective being a shut-in with medical issues in the very-not-anythingpunk now. If I could do cryonics testing and somehow be revived by a non-corp science organization that'd be the best outcome (climate/ocean/space work?).

        Though yeah, aside from mech stuff (or just eyes-in-the-back-of-your-head/vehicle/building) I could see a brain having a lot of possibilities for revolution-type-stuff if the tech was viable. Ducts or other small (non-hospitable) infrastructure, tunneling through the ground, shipped/smuggled, carrier drone etc.

        Problem is, I could see cryonics being seen as a very un-solar concept even if just for the energy/money cost and technical unlikelihood (false hope), so I don't expect someone to offer me a spot in their secret cryolab even if there was a chance of it being viable. Also the delay on a plan like that isn't great either (admitting in 100+ years it will still be a struggle) unless maybe being generous and saying revival straight into a solarpunk future could happen.