What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
Social Anxiety Survival Horror. You're a guy at a friend's party trying to avoid conversations while putting in an appearance with your friend so they know you were here. You can deflect conversations with small talk you pick up by eavesdropping, but it won't work on drunk people, so you also need to run and hide. Your ex-partner eventually shows up and is hunting you down to have a frank conversation about your relationship, which is instant game over.
I would love to buy this game on sale and never get around to playing it.
What about Panic Disorder Survival Horror? You have to get through a full week, including 5 work days, 2 social events, and an errand...except you can have a panic attack at any time but also have a heart condition, so you're not sure if you're really having a panic attack or heart attack. If you guess wrong, you lose. Also you have to have a completely empty bladder and colon so you don't soil yourself at work and get fired or in a social setting and lose friends out of embarrassment if you happen to have a panic attack in those settings. Easy mode comes with a script for xanax. Hard mode comes with an abusive stalker ex and their family.
You can checkout https://store.steampowered.com/app/1392820/Milk_inside_a_bag_of_milk_inside_a_bag_of_milk/ - it’s not that but it’s a somewhat similar thing
I had a very similar idea but it's about avoiding contact and conversation out on the street and on public transportation. May or may not be influenced by real life experience.
I haven't played it - and the "social anxiety as horror"-slant feels more metaphorical than literal in its marketing - but this makes me think of the game "Homebody" a bit
Easy mode: party host has a dog or cat that will let you sit and pet it all night.
You've just proposed the next indie game of the year
Good. Someone, please make this. And make it first person for the full effect.
Other ideas for people to pinch:
NOTE: Someone probably has developed it, but I’m too poor to buy a decent computer.
I’ve been wanting the shittiest, most grindy military logistics game possible for a bit now. Like, “oh you didn’t upgrade your Sock factory? Fuck you now your platoon has trench foot” type Grindy.
I want to feel pain
SimEarth remake with a proper geologic and climate model.
All the newer games in that mode feel like they’re all about growing the predefined lifeforms.
SimEarth was more about making the planet to support the lifeforms.
An urbanism focussed city builder where you start with an existing city in the current car-centric style, possibly including a couple of dozen kilometers around the city so rural problems are included as well and have to transform it, with realistic building project times, into one that is more walkable, has safe bike paths, good public transport,...
In particular I would also like it to take verticality in to account both for transport (people and bikes and trains have a harder time going up and down than cars, boats need locks,...) and for buildings (stores at the bottom of a building, residential above,...) and that accounts for the huge amounts of space car-centric cities waste on parking as well as the ongoing infrastructure costs for maintenance and replacements of all that infrastructure in sprawling cities.
Basically "Not Just Bikes" the game.
Mirror’s Edge-style gameplay (specifically first person) for experiencing Spider-man’s first few weeks of having powers, including the time prior to having built the web-shooters. I have wanted this ever since the teaser trailer for the first Andrew Garfield movie.
This is so close to what I'd want, which is basically this + somewhat accurate recreations of real life places.
Imaginary places would work too, but the main thing I'd like is to have more maps to explore than I can deal with. I could spend hours just exploring and goofing around
I probably wouldn't want this game to actually exist, but it's been stuck in my head for years so here goes. I described this one a while ago. A friend of mine was on mushrooms once and described a first person WW1 game where you're an Austro-Hungarian courier running across battlefields. There would be parkour, time management, stealth, stuff like that. Sneaking through trenches and whatever. At first the missions go ok, easy enough. But then you're given more complex missions that waste your time, or are foolishly planned.
Your character begins mumbling under their breath about how the generals are doing everything wrong, the war is lost. Your character becomes more deranged as the missions become more fruitless. Eventually your guy will start screaming deranged conspiracies and wild racist shit. There would be a mechanic where you start to need amphetamines to function.
Then in the last mission you catch sight of your reflection in a puddle and you've been playing as Hitler this whole time.
conversely, Battlefield: Lego
Not quite Lego, but check this out.
I didn't watch the video yet but got damn the more I think about it the more I want it
Large scale battles with titans and the excellent pilot mobility mechanics? Sign me the fuck up.
It would be so fun!
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Factorio-like game where you focus on sustainability rather than being the bad guy in an alien landscape. Need wood? Better replant or there won't be anything for higher levels of the game. Need metal? You can get it, but only in a few places and then you need to think about recycling what you have.
A spaceship captain game with an AI crew that follows your orders, and is focused on problem solving and exploration rather than combat and resource gathering. Kind of like ongoing episodes of star trek, but in game form.
Kinda like artemis but with AI?
Possibly, but I was picturing being able to move around the ship and you would have to manage your crew by assigning roles. Almost like rimworld meets bridge crew meets star trek online.
You're describing Barotrauma in space.
I would be so keen on that!
I actually started making a version in the old gamemaker:studio years ago. When they abandoned GMS and went to GM2 I just gave up.
I want a game that is a standard sci fi/fantasy RPG, except the main characters each suffer from a mental health condition that affects their gameplay (and of course the story).
My brother (now deceased) had both schizophrenia and numerous personalities. He had visual and auditory hallucinations thanks to the schizophrenia. On top of that, in my last conversation with him, he mentioned that all his personalities ‘shared information’ except for one that was in denial. Because of that, when a different personality took over after that one, he would have no idea what happened during the time that denial personality was in control. Sadly, my brother passed after he had stopped taking medications for a week and decided to use computer duster (something he had finally got clean of) to sleep and never woke up.
Now, imagine that in a high sci fi or fantasy RPG. You might begin fighting and wasting energy on enemies who aren’t actually there, but you think they are. You can go into battle and no other party members will help because, as you find out after, those enemies weren’t really there. Maybe you become weak because of a would and have to get through a dangerous area to get to a hospital. There you find you never had an injury, it was a hallucination (based on a 911 call my brother made thinking he had slit his throat when he had not). Maybe you go to learn some key information from a character who then dies dies suddenly. However, you don’t remember any of it.
Most important though, in the end, you are still the hero and still save the day. The idea being that yes people with these mental health challenges struggle, but they aren’t monsters. My brother was one of the kindest people I know and loved to help people. A game like that, if done right, could help players understand what these conditions are actually like (not hollywoods bs) and show that they can still be heroes. I think that would be cool
Evochron. One dev, super dedicated to this concept.
Elite Dangerous has some of those elements, not quite what you're describing rhough
So basically Anno 2307?
I haven't played Anno 2205, but what your describing seems a bit further in time than that game. The start of colonization of the Moon vs settling/trading with the full solar system.
First person city planner, probably in vr where you can plan something out and then see your city grow as you walk around it
Cities VR is pretty close to that.
This but let me drive around too, maybe even free running like mirrors edge around the city I built
A game where you play a reporter in a pre-internet open world, digging through meetings, documents, connections and surveillance to get information to create stories.
You could have relationships with people too, and test them. Go with a private story on someone that will get big views and make the rent but piss them off, or keep it private and maintain your relationship to access their connections to try for a bigger story.
Planetside 2, but in Warhammer 40k. I want to be an ork running around krumpin gits with a hundred other boyz, smashin up some humie tinboyz or them big bug wotsits
Bonus points if you can be a psyker and blow up your whole squad
That's the easy part, you just have to be able to yell "WAAAAAGH!" while firing indiscriminately like a propa lad
I loved being cannon fodder in the M&B Napoleonic Wars mod.
Nothing beats lining up to face a volley of rifle fire.
Ethics aside, making the Space Marines pay-to-play while Orks are free would be hilarious, especially if the Orks still have higher odds of winning. Being a walking tank isn't pay-to-win. You have to coordinate and not get overrun by sentient mushrooms with extra-shooty red guns. Get a few veteran tabletop players to pony up, and they'll slice through a hundred randos without slowing down... while the survivors think it's the coolest thing they've ever seen.
I have this concept for a VR team battle game where you have to learn to actually cast spells through complex real time action. Like a mix of moving your hands in patterns and adding elements via hot bar in sequence and saying words via headphone. 1 on 1 or team vs team strategy game where complexity makes stronger team spells and counters. You could have casters who specialize in defense, offense, healers, traps and counters and how you build your team makes for strengths and weaknesses.
Reminds me of Arx Fatalis. I think it's the only game I've seen where casting spells requires you to trace a rune in the air instead of pressing the cast button.
Drakan: Ancient Gates was my inspiration. Their magic casting blew my mind back in the day and I never understood why no one else has utilized that system. I will have to check out Arx Fatalis.
Harry Potter: Wizards Unite had spells you cast by tracing a shape on screen, representing wand movements (and it was graded on how closely you matched that spell's shape as well as on speed.)
Not a complex system, but some of them took some effort to get a good cast.
I'd play the hell out of that.
I have a horror game concept, based around the old days, back when used game stores actually were a good deal instead of just a price gouging den of collectors. Back when buying a copy of a game pre-owned meant that you got the save files of the old user with it.
So this is a harvest moon type, there is already a file here, the game yells at you if you try to delete it, you get characters telling you that you can't hide from what you have done. And when you play the game everyone is pissed at you, the world is in ruins, and making any real progress is next to impossible due to the horrible state the world's in and no one wanting to help you.
The object of the game would be to convince the people of the game world that you are not the original user, and that you want to set things right. And the new game plus would just be what the game is supposed to be like under normal conditions.
Admittedly I got the idea from hearing about a Harvest Moon friends of Mineral Town Creepypasta called The Goddess Has Not Forgiven You, which I can't actually find. But it was described by a harvest moon iceberg video. When I couldn't find the story that it was talking about, this was just kind of the idea I had for an indie game based off of it.
If you are an indie game designer who wants to do this, feel free to steal my idea, Just credit me for it and shoot me a copy of it if you can get a hold of me.
Honestly? Just a modern, improved take on an old WiiWare game called Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King.
There is nothing all that special about MLaaK on the surface: It's just a management sim with a Final Fantasy theme to it. Place buildings. Get soldiers (well, here 'adventurers'), send them out on missions. Get resources, invest them. In fact taken as a management sim it's very barebones and not that great?
The thing is, no video game ever has, in my eye, captured the feeling of being Fairytale Royalty. You have direct control over the king character (who is a 12 year old because. Final Fantasy) -- You walk around town. You want to see an overview of incomes and expenses? Go talk to your assistant and she'll give you a report. Want something built? Point to the plot and ring the chime to call a servant and say 'Magic college here'. Sending adventurers on their quests involves directly talking to them, and you can read their mood on how they react to the assignment, with motivated adventurers doing better. And when they return wounded you can visit them in the hospital for a boost to their morale and your popularity.
Also the higher the happiness level in the kingdom, the more citizens choose to stop and salute you, and the later you can wander around your town without your servants going "you're underaged and royal and it's dangerous at night, back to the castle now", because your subjects like you.
Idk, these small touches made the game feel very special for me back then, I've been chasing that high since. Shout out to Fable 3 for the variety of nice royalish clothes your character could try on, but no shout outs to it for anything else.
I want a vampire-survivors style game that integrates with my music streaming and the enemies/weapons sync to the music I’m playing.
Beat Hazard is sort of close, though a different theme. If you put it on one-stick mode (auto-aim) it plays more like Vampire Survivors.
I'd argue twin stick shooters like this are VS grandpa. Random-ish waves of enemies, bullet hell, increasing difficulty.. The main differences are the powerups instead of permanent level ups, usually the lack of autoaim (right?) and maybe lack of meta progression.
Crypt of the Necrodancer lets you add custom music. I don't think it is able to handle music streaming though it is a bit of a manual process iirc. The gameplay is pretty different from Vampire Survivors. Basically enemies all move and attack in patterns that increment based on a beat, and you need to time your movement and attacks to the beat as well. Fun game
Interesting! I can already picture the min/max song playlists going around lol
Assassin's Creed Black Flag (aka AC: The Pirate Simulator) meets Sid Meiers Pirates! Live The Life.
Basically I want a giant open world with dozens of cities and even more small villages, modernish graphics, and be a pirate. And be able to lead a fleet. And swap ships.
I'm gonna be honest, due to my niche game preferences, if they could add in ability to upgrade and customize every ship with tons of options, including crazy ass "I zip tied a rocket motor to a group of hot wheels cars to see if I could skate" type things. "I replaced one mast with a trebuchet, and because I like to tempt death it also launches flaming oil soaked things" energy.
Maybe toss in a ship editor like starfield had, but with sloops and galleons and shit. Things like fake guns could add to intimidation factor, and while fake guns don't shoot, they need only good from afar. By the end of the game, hopefully your branding will allow you to win some fights before taking a shot.
And because I like games like Sim city/ cities skylines, building and management games and the like, I'd love if that could somehow be incorporated into things. Both on the ships themselves, and as your "pirate fortress" home base. And I'd want to be able to set up multiple bases, all working together.
All of the addons being an option but not required to finish since having to micromanage the happiness of Pegleg Dave because he ate in the dark without a table again would get old quick.
The downside is, because all these elements don't really mesh all that smoothly in a game setting, I don't even think it's possible to make a good game like that.
Basically I want to be a pirate king in a modern game, and actually feel like a king. In both ability to command what is essentially a rogue nation, and the mild headache that comes with managing it.
A co-op game set in a open/sandbox fantasy world that is truly alive, driven by AI. You can do as you wish, join a Kingdom as a soldier for example, set up a village somewhere maybe. Become a trader. Hunter. Whatever you want. The ultimate open survival game I guess.
But the key part is behind the scenes an AI will change the story of the world as time passes. Perhap on the other side of the continent a war wages between 2 factions that threatens to pull the whole region into termoil. Maybe you'll hear about it from a passing traveller. Maybe you won't hear about it at all and the next time you go travelling far and wide you realise a new Empire is rising.
Perhaps the AI decides to slowly bring about the collapse of society through climate change. Perhaps you become embroiled in a plot to assinate a King. The AI decides all the variables, you can only react to them, maybe you can try and change the story with your actions.
One day you are out hunting and you see in the distance an army marching to war. Maybe you decide to catch up and join the army. Or maybe you'll hide and hope that wherever that army is going, it won't come to your neck of the woods.
The AI continuously evolves the world around you to keep things interesting. Every game will be completely different.
It'll probably never get made, it is massive in scope.
Honey I Shrunk The Kids : The Video Game.
An open world game where you can explore and interact with the world in a large (2 houses and backyards?) map.
Isn't that what Grounded is? I haven't played it personally, but it reviews well and that seems to be their aim.
TBH I was kind of hoping someone would reply saying exactly something like this! Thanks!
Mushroom Men for Wii is what you're looking for.
A good community-focused Rocket League clone. Ever since RL was bought out by Epic and it went F2P, the game has felt more and more soulless, and the community interactions have been super tonedeaf. As a small company, Psyonix gave out cool stuff like white hats for those who found bugs and custom titles for people who found their significant other via the game. It sucks that the best content in the game came the summer before and the summer right after Epic bought it. Since the game went free to play, though, it seemed like RL was just another accessory for Fortnite to grow.
Tl;dr: RL was freaking amazing when the devs were allowed to care about the community. Now, it's slowly losing the stuff that made it so special.
An open world Shadowrun game. I imagine it like a cross between Skyrim and GTA.
An open world cyberpunk game?
Nah, could never seen that being made in 54 years.
that would be amazing
I was so excited when they announced that Xbox game, and then...
A game where you play a spider in a variety of environments (forest, city park, front porch, basement, etc) where you control each leg with a different keyboard key, maybe spacebar to jump, hold a back leg to access your web, etc. you have limited energy to move/create web, and you need to build webs and traps to catch bugs.
Any type of game (sandbox, RTS, etc) where the landscape changes dynamically.
All games are either player vs player or player vs mobs or player vs game-mechanics-that-affect-your-stats. But I have never played a game where I have to consider a river overflowing and destroying a village, or an avalanche, or earthquakes.
Even when there are environmental hazards, the base map never changes. Rivers never change their course, islands don't appear or disappear, oceans don't dry up, dams don't burst, quarries aren't excavated.
The world and nature are always dead and static.
Actually, Dwarf Fortress does tick those boxes quite often.
This would be fantastic. I wish the Red Faction series was still alive for this reason specifically.
Check out Timberborn, it doesn't check all of your boxes but a lot of it revolves around water management - building dams and reservoirs, diverting rivers, surviving dry seasons, etc. At its core it's just a fun city building game and I highly recommend it if that sounds good to you. It's 20% off ok Steam right now too.
An open world, survival, party based rpg. Survival elements are light and focused away from micromanaging every crop placement and every floorboard. Player parties build cities, forts, roads.
It's like: Minecraft without the block gimmick or detailed building capabilities. Skyrim with more playable characters in a player built world without a set storyline. Valheim without the heavy focus on survival elements or linear progression. Party management and diversity like a tactics RPG.
I'd love it to have several for game loops to bury yourself into. City building, character builds, crafting, gathering...
And multiplayer capable, self hosting if desired.
This is a pipe dream. A game that huge is too difficult to make for a game that wouldn't have larger appeal.
A singleplayer open-world sandbox RPG in the vein of Skyrim, but you have powerful abilities on cooldowns like in MOBAs/Overwatch, command troops like in Mount & Blade/Blood of Steel/Conqueror's Blade, and can go around conquering cities/developing your own nation culturally/socially/technologically/economically/etc. like Civilization but more open-ended where you can do things like decide actual religious doctrine and encourage specific aesthetics/music/social norms.
Obviously, though, such a game is incredibly ambitious and I don't think it'll ever be made, as it takes the most unique and hardest-to-make parts of several other games and then combines them. Still, I'd love to play it.
Some kind of stealth shooter where you and the bad guys have very realistic anatomy and no healthbar. You can't be killed by being shot in the foot but you're disabled. Shoot someone's finger off and they might not be able to use a rifle, help in pain, leave a blood trail to follow. Chest shots generally kill you but it's the lungs it's not instant like the heart or central blood vessels. Bone shots are agonizing and totally debilitating.
Caliber and velocity are all calculated and what damage is done.
I know this is kinda grim, but lots of video games have done parts of this, especially Sniper Elite, but also RDR2, the Resident Evil REmakes, MGS:R, and more. I just want it even more detailed and collected in one game. I've been thinking about this since PS3-era and I think the tech is ready now.
Asynchronous turn based game where each person plays a single character. Like Fire Emblem if all the characters were players.
You wouldn't all need to be playing at the same time, and you could have lots of games going at once. I want that nice slow-burn play by mail feeling for a co-op RPG.
A game that captures the feeling of when Arthur Dent crash lands on that primitive planet in "The Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy" and makes a sandwich. I want The Sandwich Maker.
You crash into this procedurally generated world. All the plants and animals are new every playthrough, and you slowly learn about them through experimentation and from the native population who has never heard of a sandwich and really doesn't do much except eat raw ingredients. When you cook the meat from an animal instead of eating it raw, they all lose their minds with wonder and you become the town's chef.
You harvest wild crops and cultivate better ones. You find ways to use the animal fat and meat and "milk", you find plants that work as food, maybe their seeds are great crushed up with a little water into a paste, maybe you need to dry them out, maybe you need to de-seed them and mix them with another plant to make it taste better.. on and on.
You need to work with the people there to make tools, and together you iterate out exactly what you need.
Eventually you have to find something that matches your randomised flavour pallette for the perfect sandwich. You assemble all the ingredients you've collected, cultivated, or created, with the tools and techniques you and the townspeople have developed, and you take a bite. It's perfect. You win.
Not really a game, but playing Minecraft has made me wish for real-world modeling software with a similar first person interface. Select from standard off-the-shelf components, use real-world tools, and craft stuff. Then test it out. I've got ideas in my head for all kinds of stuff, but going from there to an actual model is tedious with standard CAD and modeling software. Why can't I (virtually) take an 8' Douglas Fir 2x4, cut it with a saw, drill some holes in it - you get the idea. I could make something like a shed, then stress test it in a windstorm, pile 4 feet of snow on it, or drench it with rain. Or build a go-kart and see how it would perform. Tweak the design until it does what you want. Make the app user moldable and let the community go wild adding capabilities and virtual materials. Maybe it could eventually generate real parts lists, fabrication data for 3D printers and CNC machines, and assembly drawings.
Half life 3 portal 3 tf3 etc
A single-player fantasy game with no skill points/upgrades beyond equipment. I want the entirety of the progression to be the skills of the player. You end up losing fights to more than one goblin at a time, but then you learn to start dealing with groups. A long enough time pasts and you're slaughtering hordes of enemy like clockwork. But if someone took control of your character they'd still lose to a goblin or two.
I want something where split second reaction times and skill determine how a fight goes. Both me and the enemy should be able to kill each other in 2-3 seconds given the right circumstances. I want extremely punishing mechanics for both enemies and the player. Something like a first-person Hotline Miami but with really good swordplay.
An Interstate 76 sequel/remake with modern graphics, physics, controls, etc.
The vehicle combat in Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 gave me a bit of a glimpse of that.
And a poetry button.
I can't believe this hasn't happened yet
Modern graphics, or like PS2 pastiche graphics?
Jeeze, at this point it might be Xbox One pastiche graphics. Except that's just GTA V.
As long as Groove still checks the map for me