Somehow, I can tolerate "jpheg" much easier than the forsaken "jif."
Jif is where it's at. Peanut butter and image format? Yes please
"Jif" is the original pronunciation. It is a pun, a play on the word "jif" short for "jiffy" meaning a short amount of time, as in "I'll send it to you in a gif". The newer pronunciation has become popular based on the fallacious reasoning that an acronym should be pronounced the same as its constituent words, which isn't a thing at all.
Language evolves, and both pronunciations are common enough to be considered acceptable. The only way to be wrong about how to pronounce the word is to claim one of the pronunciations is wrong.
Become popular? It's been popular roughly for the lifespan of the format. It's hardly language's fault the developer wanted to make an unfunny reference to a since forgotten peanut butter slogan.
On the other hand linguistics indicate a hard g sound with the construction of the word, constituent words aside. Plenty of four letter words starting with the gi combo have a hard g, including but not limited to gift which you may notice is very similarly constructed.
Whatever else the English language may throw at us, people appreciate consistency because we can make some sense of the world. A hard g is the consistent, predictable, sensible choice for the limited availability of those virtues English offers.
The approximately equal amount of upvotes and downvotes this comment received pretty much sums up the entire gif wars.
The newer pronunciation has become popular based on
The newer pronunciation has become popular based on their internalization of the obscure patterns of English pronunciation, informed by the most similar word: "gift" which uses a hard g. Everyone I know of started saying it with a hard g because that's what made sense based on the spelling, long before hearing the weird thing about constituent words.
Nobody pronounced LASER as Lah-seer, which you'd have to do if you used "A as in Amplification" an "E as in Emission".
always remember that yiff is a valid option
I don't like the color noise, so yeah it's fine with me.
It's pronounced like yiff. I have spoken.
Great, now search for communities with 'yiff' here on lemmy.
That's a fantastic idea ;P
Still kicking myself for joining Pawb and not Yiffit <.<
havent been on there but from a quick glance looks to be a lively discussion on our beloved moving image standard. shameless plug: we also have a lovely knot making community.
If in your group chat, people start sending yiffs it becomes a yiff party.
It's pronounced Gif, with a soft G as in Graphics.
I don't give a fuck what the idiot creator thinks it should be pronounced as, I'll die on this hill with my honor intact, surrounded by the corpses of everyone who thinks Jif is referring to anything but peanut butter.
The peanut butter is exactly the reason he picked that pronunciation. Choosy developers choose gif.
It's pronounced GIF (sounding out each letter), like in that 'If Google Was A Guy' CollegeHumor video. Just so that it doesn't annoy or antagonise anyone for a meaningless purpose. Everyone wins.
Or, maybe both pronouncers (the "jiff" gang and the "giff" crowd) will team up against me for saying that. At least we'll have harmony for most people if that's the case, and I'll be a sacrifice to keep the peace.
It's pronounced jif because jraphics are his phavorite.
That's my reasoning as well. Jif is for peanut butter, why make things extra confusing?
Jif is a cleaning product
But other words like SCUBA and NASA are not pronounced like the words they derive from, so this can't be an all-encompassing rule.
ETA: Or maybe I've been pronouncing SCUBA and NASA wrong
GIF is pronounced GIF not because the G stands for Graphical, but because it is its essence. It is what is calls out to be... Called.
And because it's not peanut butter.
And for the same reason, JPEG is pronounced JFEG not because the P stands for Photographic, but because that is the expression of its true essence.
I just didn't know it before today.
Justice for JΦEG!
Also, "gi" in english makes the hard g sound very often, like in gift, or give, or giddy. You need to do some real mental gymnastics to justify it as a j sound
Giraffe, ginger, ginseng, gist
giant, gigantic, ginger, gist, gin, giraffe, gibberish, gingivitis, giblet, giro, giron, gingal, gipsy / gitano, gingili, gigot, girasole, giaour, ...
logic, tragic, agile, agism/aging, legit, sigil, magi, magic, argil, algid, aegis, vagile, algin, digit, legible, legislature, surgical, intellegible, ...
looks like a lot of palatal affricates to me dawg idk, i think you're the one doing mental gymnastics trying to justify it not being pronounced the way the creator specified. "gif" the way you ask for just sounds weird
You can tell it's a soft G from the way it is! How neat is that?
Coming from the jif camp myself, I’d just like to point out it’s jay-phej.
Ur mom is jay
why do I pronounce 'JIF' as 'yeif'
As someone in the jif camp I would like to publicly denounce this abomination and say it does not represent us soft g advocates in any way.
Gif is obviously pronounced like the g's in 'gorgeous'
do I look like I know what a "JphEg" is?
I just want a picture of a got dang hot dog
Honestly have never understood the gif debate. Words sometimes have multiple pronunciations. They're both fine.
Pick a side, you monster, you.
it's an acronym (as opposed to initialisms, which are not pronounced as a single word). There is no rule on pronunciation.
scuba nato laser
We don't do this for any other acronym. There is no rule about the pronunciation. It's arbitrary. The creator chose "jif", so that's the "canonical" one.
GIF comes from the Old English word "gif," pronounced with a "y" sound.
So it's yif.
kill it with fire
I'm more of a "jaif" person.
I hate this.
No, it comes from the name Graphic Interchange Format.
So if we're going to with jfeg, then we're also going with gif.
Git is now pronounced Jit.
JIT, as in the compiler architecture, is now pronounced Git.
If you have to spell it wrong to show how you pronounce it that should be a sighn
Now that I think about it, that's true of more words than not, isn't it?
I don't think so.
I think that words have meaning. And the meaning can be true, but pronunciation is not part of the true part. It is only the color of the arrow pointing at truth.
I pronounce oil differently than my cousin in Texas, and I pronounce car differently than my uncle in New Jersey. And to use pre-Modern English (~1500) era spelling ideas we would spell those words differently and probably use different alphabets. And spelling became a standard thing in English around 1750 when Johnson's dictionary became so celebrated and a primary reference.
So there is slippage in spelling and pronunciation.
But I'm not sure.
Guys.. guys... can we all just agree that it's pronounced gif and not gif?
no you fuckwad it's pronounced gif
IDK, I always say gif, and people seem to understand what I'm saying.
It's pronounced gif and gif.
nope. only gif is correct.
We should just go ahead and pronounce all acronyms the way their unabbreviated forms’ first syllable letters are said. Just ignore we treat individual letters differently than the words they came from.
The CIA should sound like “see ya” Department of Transportation “Duht” Internal Revenue Service “ears”
CIA is an initialism, not an acronym, since you pronounce each letter individually.
What you sir are suggesting is a complete erasure of initialisms, and I will not stand for it.
It wasn’t a real suggestion. A bit of hyperbole and exaggeration due to the pointless debate over jig/gif. We have a long precedent of pronouncing acronyms as initialisms and not enunciating the letters as they were pronounced in their original word. While I think the original argument over jif/gif was for fun, some can’t let it go.
Dept of Transportation would be "dot", no?
People tend to pronounce “of” more like “uhv” in shove or glove, not like stove or clove. So I went with “duht” for pronunciation.
I would suggest the tax guys be pronounced ire's. The raise my ire anyway.
So you're saying gif
Lol, absolutely.
All of this could be solved if English weren't a shit language with incoherent phonemes.
All this could be solved if people would accept that English changes over time and if defined by usage and understanding.
If people easily understand what I mean when I say gif then I have pronounced it correctly. Same as if people understand what I mean if I use "literally" to mean "figuratively" or spell "island" with an 's' despite it having no Latin roots.
But they don't easily understand you. You're being deliberately lazy and shifting the onus of putting mental work into the conversation onto your conversational partner. Now they have to work extra-hard to deciphwr your gibberish. The decent, respectful thing to do is treat them as an equal, and put an equal amount of effort into achieving communication.
Or I could just tell you to flarfle your garglax. Seems perfectly clear to me, so obviously you're in the wrong if you complain.
All of this could be solved if people actually cared about finding a reasonable solution. We don’t fight about it because it’s worth fighting over. We fight because it’s in our blood. We must fight to satisfy our primal urge for conflict.
So take up your keyboard, mouse, phone, or any other weapon that suits you. Join me in the battle of “gif vs gif”, and may the best warrior find victory.
It isn't really used to mean figuratively though. It's used as an intensifier, and all of its synonyms are as well. And they all have been for hundreds of years. Really, truly, honestly, actually, etc. Seems so strange to me that this is the single word from the group that gets dogpiled on, and the perception that it's some new phenomenon, Mark Twain used it in the same manner.
Helen wears socks and sandals, and has divergent opinions. Helen needs to disappear in a landfill. Dispatching a team.
John Wick's nonprofit
I'm definitely not taking any lessons from someone who wears socks with sandals no matter their credentials.
As a German, I feel personally attacked by this.
Say gift. Now what you're going to do next is leave out the T but enunciate the gif part the same way. Fuck you jif people!
I'll tell the agile fragile fugitive gin-drinking giraffes eating ginger ginseng to imagine gingerly using their digits to engineer a geological survey of the gist of your comment. They ate too much gingerbread and now have gingivitis, so the margins of those attracted to religion aren't as rigid as the original origins of those of that region and we have to remain vigilant lest magic supersede logic, which of course would be terrible for legislation of the legions.
That was beautiful
That's how you do it, boys and jirls
Say gigantic. Now what you're going to do next is stop with your ANTICs and enunciate the gig the same way.
Gin like Gin and Tonic. Use Gin instead next time. Don't get me wrong I will forever call it gif(t) however to help you with your position using a 3 letter word may help.
You may be explaining how superficial the Gift argument is by making it a much longer thing to take off but figured if you ever use it in a real way or argument you may want this one in your back pocket as well.
I'm firmly in the hard-g crew, but I respect what you did here
I just want to point out that Lin-Manuel Miranda has been advocating for peace between the hard and soft G clans for more than a decade.
Why don't you just pronounce it "gee-eye-eff"?
I love how much absolute war is going on in this thread 🤣
ITT: lots of people who are wrong.
Isn't this the usual to begin with?
And PNG crew still reigns supreme!
Pronounced "pong"
Not "Peeng"?
"Pung" you plebeian.
Pee Enn Gee or Pee Enn Jee?
God dammit
Not how acronyms work but I like your fire.
its pronounced gipf
Wupf energy?
It's interesting debate to observe from my perspective as my native tongue has no different pronunciations for letters, they are always the same regardless of their placement in words. G is always pronounced the same, and so is P. (Spoiler: it's hard G and hard P).
This brought another thing in my mind about soft G. Let's take for example Gin, which is with soft G I believe (it's hard G here because there is only hard G). Then there is the acronym GT for Gin & Tonic. The question is, in English language countries, is the acronym pronounced jay-T instead of gee-T?
All English is based on etymology which is why it's such a hard language to learn. Looking at how a word is spelled always takes second place to where it comes from.
GIF was pronounced with soft g since it came out, back in the 80s/90s when it was shared on AOL and CompuServe. Year, decades, later it came back into social media with Reddit and Twitter, and people pronounced it based on what it looked like it would sound like, which is most similar to hard g like gift.
That doesn't mean GIF never had a soft g. It just shows how old you are or when you discovered it when you use the hard g.
GIF was pronounced with soft g since it came out, back in the 80s/90s when it was shared on AOL and CompuServe.
FWIW, in the 80s & 90s, everyone I knew pronounced it with a hard G, including folks at computer shows, which my family used to go to frequently.
To me, the soft g 'jif' pronunciation is the new Internet fad, not the other way around.
Looking at how a word is spelled always takes second place to where it comes from.
Where it comes from matters less than historic pronunciations.
"Lawn-jer-ay" is how most of the English word pronounces "lingerie" even though that's nothing like how it's pronounced in French, nor is it anything like what you'd pronounce if you sounded out those letters assuming it was an English word.
"Lieutenant" is pronounced completely differently in the UK vs the US. It's etymology is also French, but neither English pronunciation is at all close to the French. Somehow the British get an "f" sound in there, which can't be explained by spelling or etymology, and somehow the American pronunciation turns "ieu" into an "oo" sound.
As for "gif", the "aol and compuserve" thing shows the problem: text based forums. The first time people encountered the word was by reading it. As an unfamiliar word, they mostly went with the common English rule of finding similar words. In this case, the only other words with "gif" are "gift" and words based on "gift". Since that has a hard G, from the very start people have been using the hard "G" sound.
ive only heard G&T pronounced jee & tee
It's basically the same with English always using a hard G for native English words. The complication comes from the fact that English preserves the pronunciation and spelling of loan words and loan words make up something like half of all words in English. The vast majority of words in English that use a soft G are French or Latin loan words, with a few Greek words that had their pronunciation latinized.
English preserves the pronunciation and spelling of loan words
English doesn't preserve the pronunciation. It approximates the pronunciation while keeping the spelling, and that pronunciation drifts over time and changes in different places. See: Lieutenant, a word that has two wildly different pronunciations in English, neither of which sound anything like the original French word.
Oh Lawd! Someone give her some peanut butter!
Peanuts, ey? You mean photosynthesized elongated armored nutritional unappetizing treats?
Those are pronounced "Feanuts."
Something something deez nutz!
Haha. Gottem!
Source: Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Jpeg
Hover text: Pronounced tzchphezche.
RSS Feed:
Also laser is pronounced "lamb - ser", hard S of course.
No, it's Leia-ser
I tend not to use acronyms
Lah-seer. You can't forget that the "e" comes from "emission", not say "entropy" or something.
It's pronounced with a hard J because a soft GIF is just the post deed version of GILF...
So you pronounce it "Jay fag". Ok, sounds reasonable
This is getting ridiculous. Let's just stop using these formats, so that we won't have to fight over the names. Let's all just use the PHNJ format.
Or the superior .bmp
Hey, it's lossless!
You mean BMPH?
oh, 'bump' formatted images, very old choice.
🤔 Do people still use bitmaps?
Welp, now this is back in my head
try this one
Time to dig out the sonic shitposts.
Gif is pronounced like gist, giraffe, gibberish, ginger, and gin
Jxl is pronunciation beeg jay-peg because Jay is lucky
Take the word "gift". Say the word, but stop before you get to the last letter. What letters did you say? What sound came out of your mouth? Case closed.
I've always been in the "jif" camp.
Now I have a new counter!
What do you fall back to when they just agree that "jay-pheg" is the only reasonable pronunciation?
Dunno. Haven't had the chance to try the argument.
But like, I've literally never heard someone say "jay-pheg".
Why would you take two letters from the word? Following that logic we could call GRINFO since it's Graphics Interchange Format.
There is a small yet significant part of my brain that really likes GRINFO. I just thought you should know that.
I'm wholly convinced. It's either Yiff or GRINFO, depending on company.
I've been saying this 10 years now. Doesn't matter.
no, no no NO!! its listen here you little, ITS spelled AND pronounced GIJIF, PING and JAEPAG! DONT YOU DARE INSULT THE SACRED WORDS LIKE THAT /s