Hummingbird feet
Hummingbird feet
Hummingbird feet
I have to give them credit, they actually consulted a real expert whilst they were drunk. Most people don't, not even sober
To be fair, "do hummingbirds have feet" seems eminently wikipediable. I'd like to think that if I ever felt the need to drunk-dial an expert, it'd be for something less trivial.
But they don't just want the answer, they want to share an experience with the people they're with in a clever and fun way.
There's nothing trivial about bar room disagreements. People die over those. That professor just saved someone's life.
To be fair, there's no time period listed on when the event described allegedly occurred and Wikipedia hasn't always existed.
I once consulted my aunt (PHD English professor) for a small stakes bet ($5) because a friend and I were discussing whether or not letters have any fundamental rules on how they are written.
Turns out, no, they don't. I.E. if I write: Hello there, ¥¶®×°∆| Kenobi. As long as "¥
¶®×°∆|" is understood as "General" than according to (american) English it is written "correctly". There's no edict that states a " T" must be written in that shape, therefore, any symbol that's understood intent wise is correct.
I lost that bet, cause WTF, how is that acceptable??
When I was little, my mom dropped me and her friends kid off at a church for arts and crafts, I was 5. We we given toilet paper rolls, pipe cleaner, glue, and some other stuff to make butterflies. I studiously started making mine, I got the wings, the antenna and asked what I was supposed to use for the legs. A full grown ass women look me right in the eye and said "Butterflies don't have legs".
I had seen butterflies land on flowers and latch on with legs, I was so confused how an adult wouldn't know that.
I remember asking my teacher why you could see the moon during the day and my teacher told me you couldn't.
This too left me very confused, because I had seen the moon that very morning from the school yard.
Last year my daughter told me her grade 4 teacher had told the class "Well nobody really knows how magnets work" to which my science-obsessed daughter replied "You mean you don't really know how magnets work!"
I confirmed to her that yes, our understanding of magnetism is about as complete as it can get. Of all the mysteries the universe has to offer, magnetism is not one of them.
Fun fact: next time you see the moon in the day, study the angle of the sunlight hitting it — it doesn't appear to line up with the sun. This is a perspective trick based on the fact the sun is way further away than the moon yet we perceive them the same distance. And no I cannot intuitively grasp this.
Stupid/inconstant adults stick in your mind. I'm lucky to have mostly had good teachers, just one teaching vowels one week taught us a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y
Then the next week tested our learning, and marked my answer "a, e, i, o, u, sometimes y" wrong because it's only aeiou. Sure teacher. No vowels at all in by, but the same sound at the beginning of bicycle has one.
I think they must have been reading from a book when teaching, but working from their own ideas for the test
I'm curious how that person thought that butterflies rested.... Or did they just continually flap their tiny little wings until they died?
But, I mean, you were at a church....
When Jim Morrison wrote People Are Strange, he actually meant People Are Stupid.
If birbs aren't real, how come their feet are?
Depends on model but it is usually a lizard skin coating. Older prototypes used whole lizard feet.
This is what smartphones have taken from us.
when worlds collide
Unless you were dying and/or making your Will, you didn't bequeath anything to anyone. I wish I knew what word you meant.
Probably something like pronounce or proclaim.
Did you get into a debate about wether jackdaws were crows, then put on Groucho glasses and defend your own point?
I'm lurking through posts trying to distract myself because I'm in an overwhelming amount of pain, and this comment of yours just made me actually laugh out loud a bit. Thank you for that! Especially the 'putting on Groucho Marx glasses to defend your own point pretending to be someone else' part. That whole situation, and the way you just described it as if it were happening in a bar instead of on a forum, just amuses me way too much. Also, I just accidentally typed "anuses" instead of "amuses," which also amused me way too much...
Anyway the point of my rambling is you're fucking funny and I appreciate you, dammit.