Who Said It: Mike Johnson or Ned Flanders?
Who Said It: Mike Johnson or Ned Flanders?

They’re both boring. They’re both pious. They both have glasses. Can you tell them apart?

Who Said It: Mike Johnson or Ned Flanders?
They’re both boring. They’re both pious. They both have glasses. Can you tell them apart?
Can you tell them apart?
Yes I can. Without reading the article. Ned Flanders is a good, kind, generous person despite his weird religious beliefs. Mike Johnson is none of those things.
This was pretty easy because Ned is not an asshole.
“[My wife] spent the last couple of weeks on her knees in prayer to the Lord. And, um, she’s a little worn out.”
Only one I missed.
Me too. That's insane
Me too. Stupid sexy flanders.
Same here
Less time on your back, more time on your knees is the only one I missed! I know my sweet Neddy.
The Ark Encounter is one way to bring people to this recognition of the truth, that what we read in the Bible are actual historical events.
Ah, yes. The ark museum that required modern structural engineering techniques and materials, teams of construction crews and not just a family of eight, and active ventilation to continually remove the toxic levels of methane that wood naturally produces.
Such a factually true account of history.
If you remove all the ungodly building codes and laws and regulations, you can make a museum that looks like a boat, with bronze aged tools!
100%. If it seems too innocent or self-aware it's Flanders.
“Spend less time on your back and more time on your knees.” and “[My wife] spent the last couple of weeks on her knees in prayer to the Lord. And, um, she’s a little worn out.” I got wrong.
One sounds like a classic Simpsons joke and the other sounds like a condescending asshole.
I'm sure the "on your back" was a totally different context.
Ned Flanders is a lot more well meaning.
TIL sexy homosexual "barbarians" ransacked Rome, left no man's purse untouched