[Solved] Trees supposedly take 30 years before they absorb CO₂. Why?
I often hear science-adjacent folks stating that a tree needs to be 30 years old before it starts absorbing CO₂, usually paired with the statement that it's therefore pointless to start planting tons of trees now for slowing climate change.
Now, as far as my understanding goes, the former statement is very obviously nonsense. As soon as a tree does photosynthesis, it takes carbon out of the air, which it uses to construct cellulose, which is what wood is made of.
Really, it seems like it would absorb most CO₂ during its initial growth.
I understand that it needs to not be hacked down + burnt, for it to actually store the carbon. But that would still mean, we can plant trees now and not-hack-them-down later.
I also understand that some CO₂ invest may be necessary for actually planting the trees, but it would surprise me, if this takes 30 years to reclaim.
So, where does this number come from and is it being interpreted correctly? Or am I missing something?
Edit: People here seem to be entirely unfamiliar with the number. It might be that I've always heard it from the same person over the years (e.g. in this German video).
That person is a scientist and they definitely should know the fundamentals of trees, but it was usually an offhand comment, so maybe they oversimplified.
I coudn't find a source for your statement, but I did find that it takes a tree 30-40 years to store a ton of CO2, so maybe that's what they mean? A tree will store carbon as it grows, because it builds itself with carbon from the air. https://ecotree.green/en/how-much-co2-does-a-tree-absorb
Now, I'm not a plant scientist, but I'm almost certainly probably not retarded... I guarantee there is such an enormous amount of variability among species, climates, soils, and geographies that this statement is essentially dumb as fuck fake news.
You could probably capture dozens of tons of carbon in 1 sqm of land with something like bamboo or hemp over 30-40 years, instead of a sequoia, palm tree, or whatever.
I think there has to be a certain balance. We can't just cover a massive field even in trees, that creates an unhealthy ecosystem.
Sometimes, as we try to fix things quickly, we miss or ignore the long-term consequences.
It is probably a statement related to the average tree. Also, I believe hemp and bamboo are not trees (but I'm also not a plant scientist) so not really relevant in a statement about trees.
Ehh, cannabis is a woody annual. At least that's what I'd call it. It dies every season. In some places a stand can reseed itself or a mother plant or two may overwinter for a maximum of one season by being buried under it's daughter plants after they collapse from senescence, essentially cellular death from old age, which varies by species.
Hi there! Can you please remove the word “retarded” in your first sentence? This word is now generally considered a slur, which runs afoul of rule 6 “Use appropriate language and tone.
Communicate using suitable language and maintain a professional and respectful tone.”