The most disturbing part is the hotdog's urethra.
Hotdog Urethra is my new username. No one steal it.
Banana sounding in the Hotdog Urethra
That’s the Glizzy Straw, homie. Perfected by fans of the NY Yankees.
Threw up in my mouth a bit 👎
Please let that be one of those "Is it Cake" things!
This is so cursed
Holy shit, that's escalating, homes...
Hotdog straw
Schlong Island Ice Tea
Ooh vegetarian!
Brown sug sauce
you never had a cuppa beans, man?
British mfers be like: "OI gov nothing beats a classic bekfast like me ma used to make"
Do they eat pizza with honey? Nutella with salt? Pancakes with soup? Minced steak with dull water?
I can tell this is from Texas. That is Food Club brand baked beans from Brookshire Brothers
Single man birthday?
Blueys favorite drink
Englishman attempts a Cassoulet, France to ask for official excuses.
Upvote because beans.
How about them beans
Oh, we're back to beans are we? Fine. I'm still not clear on whether this is a bean or a pea. And don't give me any scientific crap about that because they say tomatoes are a fruit, but you wouldn't put them in a fruit salad, would you?
Also, walnuts are, according to stupid scientists, not nuts. THEN WHY ARE THEY CALLED WALNUTS, SCIENTISTS? Checkmate.