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  • Ate a platter of 3 different fried insects. I think it was wood worms, bees, and crickets. The bees were the best.

    None of them were horrible. Would do it again.

  • Reindeer in a restaurant in Helsinki. It was good, a lot like beef. The reindeer were farmed, so it wasn't too tough or gamey.

  • Alligator - oddly enough as fritters at a Margaritaville in New Orleans. Like most say, flaky like fish, tastes like chicken.

    Horseneat served and packaged like baloney in Sweden, eating with crisp bead and breakfast cheese. Was not a fan.

    Moose in Sweden. Like beef, only the "grains" of the meat were really large.

    Reindeer in Sweden. Like venison, but I am told "less gamey." I say I am told, because apparently I cannot taste the "gamey" in meat. That is, I have had gamey venison and non-gamey venison and can't taste whatever gameyness is.

    Cicada - tastes like weak shrimp.

  • I had some moose that was given to me by my friend who was present at his friends moose hunt. They had to break the animal down at the location and make multiple meat sack trips to the game warden for tagging. The warden said they hadn't seen someone do it like that for a century.

    • Fun facts, back in the day people would often move their entire camps to the site of a moose kill rather than trying to transport the body any distance, it was easier to pack up and move everyone than drag a moose through the forest and brush

      • I believe it. Once big work horses were more available, people stopped tearing down the moose on-location and just dragged it home. In more modern times, they'll use a 4x4. This particular area was extremely rutted so they couldn't get anything wheeled back there, and where do you even find a Clydesdale rental service this day and age?

  • Had bear once. Was smoked and actually delicious.

    • It is not recommended to eat a bear at all, no matter how properly it is cooked, there is always a risk of infection from it. In Russia (Siberia) I generally prefer not to touch, kill, etc. Is the meat disgusting in taste and texture same with wool and skin? It stinks like a dog and you can't get rid of it anywhere, Only young animals for the skin.... Well, or to sell Chinese, they are able to give special magic to various organs, bile, horns, hooves, etc.

  • I live in Vietnam. So, many things we eat would be unusual from the standpoint of someone on a North American or European diet. Mouse, alligator (called 'ugly fish'), frog, duck embryo, organ meats, and various insects are just 'normal food'. They're all quite good.

    I suppose weasel comes to mind? That's something I've had that's not common locally. It's boiled with ginger until it just tastes like... mostly bones with ginger and very little meat. Not impressed.

    A lot of people turn away from duck embryo, but it actually tastes pretty normal.

    We used to eat a fair amount of dog here, especially in the North, but the new generation considers this fairly old-fashioned. I've had what's called "fake dog dish", which is the same dish made with pork. It's good. I've never bothered with actual dog meat as I'm concerned it might not be fresh -- it's expensive and not common anymore. So I'm worried someone might try to sell me meat that's spoiled to recover losses or something.

    In neighboring Cambodia, you can get large roasted spiders. They look like black crabs, and people seem to eat them that way. It didn't look that good so I passed.

  • Goat. Ate it in Greece. Roasted with fine herbs. It was delicious.