Battle of the Black Gates - apparently took 3 years to make
Battle of the Black Gates - apparently took 3 years to make
This is a 3D rendered scene of Aragorn at the Black Gates where he's making a final stand to hopefully distract Sauron from Frodo's doings.
This image really has everything. You see the eye of Sauron blazing in the background (yes, that's only from the movie, but it does look cool, and it's in the spirit of the books if not exactly literally in the sense that Sauron truly is watching over everything), you see Mt. Doom in the process of erupting, you have Aragorn out front leading the charge against the host of orcs at the gate.
The crazy thing about the battle is how well-timed Aragorn's stand is. It causes the forces of Sauron to evacuate Mordor right at the moment when Frodo and Sam need that to happen so they can cross the open area of Mordor to get to Mt. Doom.
It was made by Etherium-Apex and was made over the course of 3 years.