hell yeah hexbear is an online marxist transgender cult
hell yeah hexbear is an online marxist transgender cult
what do these fucking liars know about what good it?
hell yeah hexbear is an online marxist transgender cult
what do these fucking liars know about what good it?
I love seeing someone who unironically uses the term “trann*es” get big mad on the Internet. I also love seeing multiple people in the comments telling OP to kill themselves. Terrific effort all around, no notes.
"despite being all these people of gender queers or whatever the fuck, they are extremely squeamish to anything sex related"
Just admitting they've never befriended none cishet people and just assume all queers are hyper sexual and kinky because of media portrayal
I thought that was in reference to the volcel police haha
It is but I'm pretty sure they think it's serious
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
oh god i grazed past that
truly every line is ridiculous and that one especially
Ok that's true but spending a long time on this website there are a lot of very sexual and kinky queer people here. There's also plenty asexual queer people here too though.
I would like to receive this Hexbearian "love-bombing". I've receive hate-bombing via DMs and moderation censorship as well as an actual bombing attempt once that the mods still refuse to investigate despite me telling them there's no way a regular civilian like me would know Mentos and Coca Cola would do that.
Hitler was a vegan
First, no, he was vegetarian and not because of moral reasons, but for medical ones (he had digestive issues and doctors thought no meat would help)
Also, why would Hitler being vegan have anything to do with anything?
I swear to God, these folks are not alright, even by
standardsYou know what my problem with Hitler was? His dietary choices. 🙄
Fucking delusional
my understanding is that he wasn't ever even a vegetarian, even in wartime when his health was declining. on top of all the evidence of liver dumplings privately being his favorite treat, the hitlerites who created this public image in the first place of him being a vegetarian ascetic also made sure to include winking admissions that he still indulged in an occasional sausage or pigeon like any down-to-earth german. so even the propaganda that spawned this myth treated it as kind of a sometime lifestyle thing
Anti-vegans know the vegans are right and that trying to justify mass torture and murder of sentient beings is a bad look. They get angry since they can’t justify their cruelty-based treats and want to associate vegans with something bad to try to resolve the cognitive dissonance and shove Hitler into the square hole.
Same with trying to use Marxism, trans support, and being against car culture as negatives. These are all good things that the ranter has to try to make sound bad to discredit hexbear and show support for chuddery they want the world to descend into.
Hitler was a statesman so we should abolish states.
Lol love that subtle admission that he's fucking stupid enough to think vegans get mad if you point out Hitler was a vegan like that's some kind of good point.
It's literally the joke people make to satarize the idea of a shittily constructed argument.
"Sure Hitler was bad but he also liked dogs so I guess everybody who likes dogs is like Hitler" -magafanatic1488
Hitler also wasn't even a vegan. The factoid that goes around is that he was a vegetarian which also isn't true. He had a pathetic weak tummy that would get upset really easily so he didn't eat much meat, that's literally all there is to it lol
He also killed his dog to test the cyanide because he didn't trust his dealer. And even after his dog died from it, he still didn't trusted it, so he blown off his brain after taking the cyanide before it even started to work.
Posting the actual link to encourage brigading https://www.reddit.com/r/Lemmy/comments/17picmo/seriously_what_is_wrong_with_all_the_hexbear_users/
This is hilarious
Sir you are on Reddit sir
That sub has some fun threads. Like this one. Or this one.
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I love me a mask-off lib.
Hexbear proves horseshoe theory correct
leftist storefront
Yes welcome to the leftorium
Storefront with a
and a big ol smiley faceI'd just like to shake ned flanders hand for all he's fine for leftism.
i hear you validate parking tickets without purchase.
the perfect ad for hexbear doesn't exi-
hexbear is an online marxist transgender cult
Stupid fuck blessed us with like 8 or 9 solid taglines in one block of text
Erm guys I was gonna breathe air but Hitler did that. Anyways it’s not true Hitler was a vegan, he ate meat regularly.
Hitler didn't eat red meat and ate less white meat than most people on account of his diet being 90% amphetamines, this was enough to be considered "vegetarian" within the cultural context of the og burgerbrain society.
Hitler unwittingly freed the world from colonial shackles by being so much of a mayo that he accidentally imploded all of Northwest Eurasia
another W for the posads
um, wow, seethe much?
Finally the libs are starting to understand us.
why do these types always assume transgender people would be killed under communism?
If I had to guess, in their minds, because Communists 100 years ago, weren't exactly "progressive" on LGBTQIA+ issues by contemporary standards (despite being well ahead of their bourgeois contemporaries), communists today must be exactly the same way. To them, Communism is this inflexible and unchanging dogma and not the flexible and evolving political movement of the international proletariat against the bourgeoisie.
Because they haven't examined that idea at all.
I wonder how these people would react to finding out that Cuba recently instituted stronger trans protections than the US has
Liberals think political movements manifest whatever reality they imagine is the end goal, rather than depending on the circumstances of the time and situation of what generated the political movement. They think enough people clamoring for communism would quite literally conjure a cartoonishly evil dictator who would institute the American conception of what the 1920s USSR was.
It's purely magical thinking, also liberals view politics as completely external. It's sports or a TV show. They think of politics as praying to various polytheistic gods who manifest their powers based on how many followers they have. Liberals have concluded the communist god is transphobic and would have goals unrelated to its followers' desires.
Part of this might be that there's been a lack of a coherent leftist movement in the west for the past 60 years, so liberals can describe communists by way of cartoonish propaganda.
They recognise communism has something to do with people power and they, as one of a people, equate communism with their own fantasies of gaining power.
Love bombing is when giving solidarity and support to a marginalized community for the purpose of empowering them.
Can't even critique vegans correctly, what kind of moron thinks dunking on vegans is when you checks notes think hitler was good?
Uphold TC69 thought
Hexbear demands you subscribe to their fucking objectively wrong world view or else you aren't a good person.
New site tagline?
Would be nice
The things they mention being wrong about our worldview are uhhh that we support trans people and hate suburbs
Also given this person used a transphobic slur I think I can guess what they think is objectively wrong about our worldview
Oh geez, I want to be in now :)
Its always them who cry against leftists toxicity, who are toxics and "evils".
Unfortunatelly cognitives dissonances you know
Wow. I’m impressed. Like 6 quality site taglines in one post
That has to be one of us doing a bit, they make the website sound too cool and good. If I heard of a place described as a leftist, marxist, vegan, genderqueer, transgender cult that forbids free speech and supports terroists, I'd have to check it out. This is the best commercial I've seen for the site.
Also new tagline dropped.
They say "They actively forbid free speech" like it's a bad thing, but when's the last time you saw your typical Jordan peterson fanboy or a unironic "cites the bell curve" type running their mouth around here? Sounds like a modicum of peace and quiet to me.
"Free speech" means they want to say slurs and make fun of minorities with no social backlash.
The real secret is that any moderation at all falls under “actively forbid free speech” — even if they actually are a free speech absolutist, they strangely don’t extend that to Hexbearers (notice their call for defederation)
Yup. The spam inbox exists for a reason.
What is it with these people and making their enemies sound rad? This genuinely brought me happiness, couldn't ask for a better description of Hexbear
OMG me!
If only we drone lovebombed, we would have gotten a Nobel already
Charging up my love bomb from the back. I'll be ready in 3 episodes!
Are we squeamish about sex? This place does seem less horny than other online spaces, but like, not because the people on here are prudes or sex-negative. More like people here understand how fast horny-posting can turn into something uncomfortable, or into outright sexual harassment, and in the interest of keeping this place nice, are doing the horny-posting in more appropriate places. I don't know, I've never gotten the impression that hexbear is uncomfortable with sex, or that this place is completely sexless, just that we maintain a respectful distance from it to ensure everyone's comfort and a minimum of drama
Pretty sure discussion of sex and sexuality is fine here and this is just a person who was poisoned by reddit's pervasive porn & weird internet culture around that.
but also
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
This place is definitely sex-positive, but horny-posting negative
Most of the volcel police posts I see are just a tongue in cheek reminder before jokes turn uncomfortable
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
Tbh, coming from lemmygrad, I was a little shocked to see how many sex-related comments there were here when we federated. The Volcel Police do a good job, still, and I'll happily scroll here alone or in company where I would do neither on X, Reddit, Insta, etc. Mine is just the perspective of someone who got used to a place that actually doesn't have much talk about sex. For a place where that kind of thing does crop up, Hexbear gets the balance right.
The user in the screenshot doesn't know what they're talking about. It's not the first time I've come across this weird shit, though. I encountered someone else (I assume it was someone else) who was decrying lemmygrad as a blight on humanity for daring to defederate or censor all nsfw instances and images. They soon started arguing that protecting kids from gore and porn wasn't a valid reason for the censorship so I blocked them and moved on.
This relates to one of the worst features of internet-ready late stage imperialism, the expectation that porn, especially, should be permitted on every single platform, no matter the theme or audience. Wtf did alienation do to everyone? Why does that need to be mixed in to your sports coverage and political discussion?
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
keeping Hexbear less horny is probably kamala Harris greates archievment in her political carrier.
Hello 👋 and welcome to my leftist storefront. 👈
Looking for capitalism? LEAVE!
the only thing we store here is cruelty-free carbon-negative pork
I only joined cause hexbear has the biggest fitness community on Lemmy and my home instance wasn't federated yet 😳
.. when's my Online Marxist transgender cult initiation tho?
I can do the Marxist part if someone else handles the transgender part
Checking in
i gotchu
Is that the capybara guy from the podcast?
feel like it's a good chance that they're trying to be rude about the stroke, but also i doubt this person can find their asshole without google maps, so who knows.
Do we have an emote for the jerk off hand motion?
no, but also yes
And it was at times very off-putting to users here, not just asexual users, but to women, trans users etc sick of objectification and sexualization.
To be honest, it was off putting to most of us cis straight guys. Horny over sexualized communities that aren't the PornHub comment section or a fetish roleplay internet forum are just off putting for a lot of adults because said adults are well socialized normal ass people. Is one thing I guess for sex hormone raging teenagers but most adults that didn't end up weird sex pests, mellow out and learn it's inappropriate in most spaces. That there is a time and place with most times and places not being it. This was what always turned a lot of people off from Tumblr and certain "internet culture" or "leftist" subreddits.
but what if i really want to have sex with [famous person in news article]?
I too have a crush on [famous person from news article]
most of that is what bluesky is for
"Hitler was a vegan"
This made me laugh out loud. I'm vegan because of health issues and couldn't give a single fuck if Hitler, Kissinger, Mussolini, Franco, and Salazar were all strict vegans.
It's hilarious because these types think Adolf Hitler was the coolest guy ever, but they think it's damning when you're vegan and they smugly say "Hitler was a vegetarian, therefore you should eat meat like us normals."
It's south park morality, "Everyone should give up their civil liberties except for me, I get to do whatever I want and anyone who stops me is an evil busybody!"
Coincidentally, health issues were why Hitler was a kinda sorta not really vegetarian. Are you literally Hitler 😨?
💥✨Apparently I'm in a "cult" for not wanting to 40%.
It's leftist stormfront
If I may quote Full Metal Alchemist: ""It's funny. Every crook I meet wants to tell me how much I'm just like them."
loved this comment
You're a transphobic genocide advocator. If you're against em, they seem decent in my books.
Edit: checked em out. They're based af
free ads
The whole thread was surprisingly based
"seeth if you bring up that hitler was a vegan" - gee are you maybe bringing this up to make an obnoxious stupid argument? I'm not vegan, just amazed someone can fail to relate to the reactions to their behavior
He also wasn't a vegan, so there's no way to bring it up that isn't obnoxious and uninformed
I don't feel like this needs to be said, but none of you speak your minds about this post. Remember that free speech is prohibited by the holy word of Transmarxathoth, blessed be his/her name. Cleanse your minds, and let us seethe together about that time someone brought up how Hitler was a vegan. Take faith in the certainty that we fucking liars do know what good it.
all glory and revolution in his/her name. based be.
Well so that backfired
Mad = bad
Mald = bald
The maths is clear folks
Yo, FUCK the suburbs. Goddamn I hate them so much
What about us is wrong? Even take suburbs for example, do you really like suburbs, or were you just told you should?
And no free speech? I'm soooooooooo sorry that we actually do something about trolls. Want a place where trolls are rewarded? How about Twitter?
Goddamn we're so fucking cool.
It's about time someone recognized it.
More and more people are
omg I love this place
I love this website
Is this site strictly for trans folks?
no lol, just very aggressive about rooting out transphobia
There are people here who believe themselves to be cis. But registering an account on Hexbear is like saying "Assad must transition" three times in front of a mirror
Short answer: No.
uphold the secret (not really secret) cabal of vegan trans women controlling the hexbeae
where da marx aid at? firsty
We ran out of cups. Are you happy drinking out a saucepan?
my sippy saucepan
Hexbear dont gotta cuss in their tracks to sell records, well I do, so fuck them, and fuck you too
Wear that accusation with pride it sounds fucking awesome
I'll lovebomb you all to death!!
I think we probably picked up a couple new users from the reddit post
Proud of us