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  • "despite being all these people of gender queers or whatever the fuck, they are extremely squeamish to anything sex related"

    Just admitting they've never befriended none cishet people and just assume all queers are hyper sexual and kinky because of media portrayal

    • I thought that was in reference to the volcel police haha

      • It is but I'm pretty sure they think it's serious


        نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.

    • oh god i grazed past that

      truly every line is ridiculous and that one especially

    • Ok that's true but spending a long time on this website there are a lot of very sexual and kinky queer people here. There's also plenty asexual queer people here too though.

      • Yes and some of us just keep discussion of our kinky sexuality to ourselves here because we have other more appropriate places for that

        I try not to shit where I eat

      • For sure, though I actually don't think behind doors that queers are significantly more kinky and sexual than cishets after accounting for all other variables

        It's just in the real world cishets are more Christian and usually have more of a corporate professional reputation to uphold than queers

  • That has to be one of us doing a bit, they make the website sound too cool and good. If I heard of a place described as a leftist, marxist, vegan, genderqueer, transgender cult that forbids free speech and supports terroists, I'd have to check it out. This is the best commercial I've seen for the site.
    Also new tagline dropped.

  • They say "They actively forbid free speech" like it's a bad thing, but when's the last time you saw your typical Jordan peterson fanboy or a unironic "cites the bell curve" type running their mouth around here? Sounds like a modicum of peace and quiet to me.

  • What is it with these people and making their enemies sound rad? This genuinely brought me happiness, couldn't ask for a better description of Hexbear

  • I don't feel like this needs to be said, but none of you speak your minds about this post. Remember that free speech is prohibited by the holy word of Transmarxathoth, blessed be his/her name. Cleanse your minds, and let us seethe together about that time someone brought up how Hitler was a vegan. Take faith in the certainty that we fucking liars do know what good it.

  • What about us is wrong? Even take suburbs for example, do you really like suburbs, or were you just told you should?

    And no free speech? I'm soooooooooo sorry that we actually do something about trolls. Want a place where trolls are rewarded? How about Twitter?

  • uphold the secret (not really secret) cabal of vegan trans women controlling the hexbeae