famously gendered sport pool
famously gendered sport pool
famously gendered sport pool
Imagine being this much of a loser lol
You have to be a loser to get that good at pool.
Source I’m pretty damn good at pool and a loser.
Yoo don't be so hard on yourself😭😭 I'm sure you are not a loser.
This is true. Everbody with testicles eventually develops an intuition for how balls bounce of each other because they can feel it happening to them every step.
"worthless sack of shit terrified she will be shown up by trans supersoldiers"
lol yea im sure there is such a huge gap between men and women when it comes to holding lightweight pool cues and tapping a ball in to a hole. get fucked.
there's a limit to how hard you want to break anyway, so it's not like unbounded strength would be an advantage even if trans women had superpowers
Moooom I need a new xbox controller this one is trraaaaannnsss
Shut the fuck up
New rule: if your "sport" can't manage skill divisions without worrying about genitals it's gone. Your sport is fired. No more pool until you can figure out how to let everyone play. This goes for all the other sports too.
This is reminding me of the time I was watching a roller derby bout. The away team had multiple huge guys (like they should've been playing football), that just bowled through the other team.
Convinced me the sport needs weight classes.
Are there other team sports with weight classes? Would be interesting to see a cap on the weight of the team in play at any given time.
"The FEEEEMALE specimen famously doesn't have the special male pool table muscles that men evolved to fight naturally occuring pool tables in the wild, that's not sexist and transphobic, that's just science."
Biological Women can't lean over the table as far, because of the boobie
e: already regretting this joke
Organizing pool divisions based on cup size, regardless of sex and gender
"what's that tent off to the side for?"
"privacy during the pre-match measurements"
Busty pool playing ladies in shambles.
Legend has it that pool-playing Amazons would cut off one breast to be able to lean further over the table while lining up a shot
Getting so mad you got rekt that you start shrieking about 'gender ideology', kind of embarrassing!
Much like darts, it's a real bummer that's the crowd cause it's fun as hell.
They argue that the involvement of [trans women] in ladies' competitions is deeply unfair because they have a clear physical edge over [cis women] competitors.
These advantages include possessing greater upper body strength enabling them to make a more powerful initial 'break' of the balls
I made the actual data-laughing face irl I'm so brainbroken
famously the hardest part of pool, the break, in which you get more points the more balls you knock clean off the table.
So...they wouldn't be able to go full falcon punch on a pool cue and knock a bunch of balls off the table, which I'm not that familiar with pool but I'm sure incures a penalty and would be super embarrassing at a professional level.
Pool is an expensive dexterity tabletop game, not a sport lol
Transphobia in sports cannot be meaningfully separated from white supremacy in sports. They use the same racist excuses against trans people, and the same transphobic excuses against black people (see: all the black athletes that get banned for not being feminine (read: white) enough). And the transphobes even have their own transgender pseudoscience they use as justification, much like their race science of last century.
pool "star"
pool is a game you play with a friend when you've got nothing better to do and you're in the basement at a richer person who you don't really know's party, how are you gonna be a star?
The biological males all spread their enormous beards across the table at the start of every game. They use them to jostle the balls around, scoring points when it isn't even their turn. They wrap their long moustaches around her pool cue and yank her off balance whenever she takes a shot. They put their testicles on the table, painted to look like pool balls. Every single time.
They put their testicles on the table, painted to look like pool balls
oof ouch owie that one got me right in the snooker
Yes. Biologically male pool stars bear this pain so that the rest of us don't have to. That's why they are heroes.
you keep saying 'women' in this comment when referring to cis women, which is the main issue here - it's not like trans women are winning and then secretly going 'yes, another victory for men', but rather it's cis women who are not seeing trans women as part of the same team. So what if some trans women get socialised in such a way that they have an advantage in pool? The only reason this is an issue is if you fundamentally see a victory for trans women as a loss for cis women. The fact this is being shown as oppositional (and being played as such) is the major issue here - if a cis woman had gone through the same experiences, and had the same advantages, would she also be considered an unfair competitor?
Anyway, if you've grown up as a man, you've probably been allowed to pursue these male dominated sports pretty unhindered. Sure, you might've been an egg the whole time, but outwardly the men weren't hostile to you, or creepy, or doubting.
This erases the gendered harassment eggs face and is pretty offensive, comrade.
Yeah this is true but also the pool of trans women playing professional pool has got to be real real small, yeah? Are there any sports where trans women are overrepresented for their gender?
The experience you accumulated as a man will serve you well. It is experience afforded far less easily to women.
Is this an actual valuable thing though? The "experience" here I mean. If there is one horrible thing perpetuated by that "10,000h makes you an expert" urban legend is that not only that was for music(piano) but one specific point is that bad practice will make you worse.
Essentially you'll never just bullshit around for 10,000 hours and become a world renowned expert, instead it only means through consistent and thoughtful practice, that is the ballpark time investment required.
In any case if one wanted to talk about natural learning that is just the domain of children anyway, even teenagers and certainly any adult can't just learn through just experience.
So I don't want to contest your comment entirely, but I want to make it clear its not that simple at all, shitty experiences and bad practice affords you no actual real advantage at all over someone that spent less time but more productive, focused time.
This is a great comment. Explaining the material causes of a problem makes it make more sense.
Skill issue
Good, quit the sport forever, crawl in a hole, and never interact with anyone ever again. Hopefully the fate of every TERF everywhere
The only "unfair advantage" transfemmes have is an unfair advantage in the "being cool as fuck" department.
bold stance from someone who practiced really hard at a game that's 99% played in pubs
This whole discussion just reminded me that race car driving, Go-Kart racing, motorcycle racing, radio-car racing, paraglidng, gliding, motorboat racing, radio-boat racing, precision shooting, bull riding, and speedcubing are all the biggest sports that have no gender segregation.
Oh, so that's why there are so many women in F1. 😖
Trans women have too many bones to play pool or something smh
Pool is probably segregated for the same reason chess still is: the men are so misogynist that the women don't want to play with them.
Pretty much. Even sports without gender segregation like motorsports have this issue because the men in those organizations are sexist as hell.
Next Up: Chess champions refuse to play against transgendered opponents citing massively unfair advantage transgendered brains give in logic and critical thought processes.
Whole dang game is about working class people coming out as trans and violently overthrowing the patriarchy
TIL pool is a gendered sport
Okay they can't possibly be using the fake "they have an advantage" shit for this can they? Its not like pool needs any massive amount of strength and endurance.
pool is as much of a sport as cornhole is which means not at all.
Oh and that's a bad miss.
Adding another thing to the list of stuff that trans people are just innately better at 💅
Lots of pool leagues where I live. Not surprised whatsoever by a reactionary participating in them. This person would be seen as an SJW for giving a shit by half the people I know who play pool regularly.
Daily Mail donning a tweed suit and bow tie and singing "You Got Trouble", I see.
Well there’s obviously no intelligence test to become good at pool.
donald duck in mathemagic land in shambles
quote tweets on this post were deeply depressing. terf island must go
Sorta related, what's with the UK and so many shitty sensationalist right-wing tabloids? Like, fox news is probably our most insane mainstream fake news outlet, why do they have so many?
Pretty sure the answer to both is Rupert Murdoch.
Beyond the obvious shitty TERF aspect, is anyone else bothered by "women pool star"? Even "female pool star" would be preferable to that abomination of grammar.
some people over-do not sounding
On line with the female Chess league banning Transwomen I see.
Sometimes I hate humans.
Someone please explain to me what’s wrong with these transphobes? What’s their problem? I really don’t understand.
they're inferior to us and they're furious about it
Here's hoping for the dart guys (and gals and enbies)