How much is a ki point worth? an in depth look
How much is a ki point worth? an in depth look
When homebrewing, it is important to understand the values of the game resources both, for creating new ways to use them such as new spells, and for creating new resources as part of; subclasses, magic items, or new classes.
If you don’t care to read this whole discussion, the value of 1 ki is equal to one spell level in 9 out of 10 cases as shown by comparing ki abilities with spells. But that’s not all we will be discussing here, in addition we will look at how ki progression compares to spell progression of half and full casters.
side note: I have looked at the value of a ki point before and came to the same conclusion. But I thought I would do more comparisons to casters this time since I often hear a monk compared to a half caster and this comparison has been used to create full caster psionic classes.
base class comparisons
- Flurry of blows
Value: 1st level spell slot
- Patient defense
Value: <1st level spell slot
- Step of the wind
Value: 1st level spell slot
- Quickened healing
Value: 1st level spell slot
- Focused aim
Value: 1 ki to 1 spell level
- Diamond soul
Value: 1st level spell slot
- Empty body effect one
Value: indeterminate. I would feel very good using a 4th level spell slot on this however, it is powerful.
- Empty body effect two
Value: depends
Subclass comparisons
To not cause these comparisons to overstay their welcome I’m only going to point out monk subclasses with casting
- Way of shadow
The way of shadow subclass can cast four different 2nd level spells from 3rd level, on a 1 ki to 1 spell level rate. This casting is actually a faster progression than half casters have and as fast as a full caster. However the progression is flat as those are the only spells they can cast and they cannot upcast them.
- Sun soul
The sun soul has, at 6th level the ability to cast burning hands, a 1st level spell for a 1 + 1 ki per spell level cost. The fact that it is being cast as a bonus action is likely the cause for this 1 ki tax. You might note that with 1 ki placed at one 1st level spell slot of value it is worth 2 sorcery points, enough to use quickened spell metamagic. The only other observation I will make is that it’s a bit late to be getting a 1st level spell.
- Four elements
For some reason the monk of four elements is really bad at doing the one thing it’s supposed to do, with the redeeming feature of having spell progression of a half caster as a subclass. Every spell has a 1 ki point tax applied.
Spell slot growth comparisons
These numbers will be presented in both charts and graphs. When looking at these numbers it is important to note that spell slots, with some exceptions, recover at long rests and not short rests like ki points.
Below is a chart and graph comparing the growth of the number of spell slots between half casters, full casters, and the growth of ki points for the monk
and below is a chart and graph comparing the growth of combined spell levels. that is the level of each spell slot added together.
If you read this far. let me know if you want to join me in making a half caster, ki caster. I have some ideas laid out already for an elemental focused class in this fashion, but I would need some help because I am currently working on an update to a previous class I made.