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  • Yeah. I'm cool with it. Fuck those fascist shitheads. Some

    were handwaving "Genocide Joe" saying it was a GOP talking point. Fucking hell. I used to wonder, how could the Holocaust happen? How could so many people be complicit in something so horrible? I still don't understand it, but I'm afraid I'm starting to.

  • Idk tho today's election results look pretty bad for the GOP lol. Just like the midterms did. Its possible that Joe himself will lose the presidency while GOP lose heavily elsewhere though? But like, the GOP is still dealing with a deflated base that got what they wanted in Dobbs and don't care anymore, and continue to run on culture war bullshit that noone actually cares about.

    There's also the issue of RFK Jr, who is apparently mostly pulling votes from Trump.

    Like yes absolutely 100% the genocide is going to deflate the zoomer vote* that helped Dems out so much in the midterms but I think the GOP is having electoral problems too, not the least of which that they support the Genocide too, which is going to make the whole thing a mess.

    *Not to mention the Muslim vote which obviously tanked for good reason, and is a material thing in at least one swing state.

  • Obama had a close election against Romney in 2012, but that was with Obama who has a lot more charisma than the wet noodle that's Biden. Romney isn't really charismatic and the only reason libs like him is because he's "respectable." Trump has genuine charm and anyone who says otherwise hasn't spent a considerable amount of time in rural parts of the US where he's still adored.

  • I don't see why that should concern us. It was annoying to be blamed for 2016 because there was nominally an electoral left that was trying to win over "progressive" liberals. Getting tarred for spoiling the agenda of the party was counterproductive to the goal of improving the agenda of the party. Now that that strategy has failed utterly (largely because the non-voting population could not be convinced that that shit actually mattered) and the champions of the electoral left are riding the Sybian for AIPAC, it doesn't really matter that we're the enemies of the Most Progressive US President in History. Damn right we are. The whole thing's a farce, and we only neutralize all hope of resistance by pretending otherwise.

    • That shit was a pain. I was a died-in-the-wool liberal back in the day and I knew enough on history and general sentiment to see Hillary was a fucking evil joke.

  • There's a lot of time between now and then. I'm sure there will be an updated reason it's the left's fault by then. Perhaps even a different genocide!

  • I legit was even planning to vote for Biden in spite of everything just cause of Afghanistan. Yes yes yes I know all of the asterisks and caveats you can give and just take it as how low my standards are.

    This shit in good conscience. I'll vote but I'm writing someone in. Anyone. I wouldn't endorse Joe Biden, let alone vote for him.