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Instagram's monthly subscription

To be clear: I prefer to pay for things instead of having to see ads but 13€ / month!? For a meta product that has inherently user-hostile design patterns even without ads?

Who does this appeal to?

  • Just quit, these platform thrive on user generated content while selling your data and now they want money from you so you continue to create content for them.

    All because they make you believe that you NEED them to stay in contact and up to date. In reality it's much nicer to speak with friends personally, show a few pics and talk about your/their experience.

    Too often when i still used that social media crap people would just cut me off with "yeah i've seen that already on fb,insta etc." and no experience shared.

    Being off social media, as weird as that sounds, made me feel more social and it's more fun to interact with ppl again.

  • I have absolutely zero faith in Instagram's ability to manage this. They can't even handle account access right. I use IG for business (I'm a performer) and have been locked out for a month with full access to my Facebook, email, authenticator app, phone, other accounts - you name it. Their shit is just straight up broken and throws error messages when trying to log in.

  • Lol people actually pay for shit like this ?

    Not to mention $13? Looool

    • 13 bucks to allow meta to use your the photos you upload (that creates all the content on the site) to however the fuck they want as well as collect all your data to sell things back to you better and sell your profile to other sites.

      Megacorps need to die.

      • People are dumb. Get rid of these dumb mofos and megacorps will die overnight.

  • You'll still see ads through. If not targeted and even not served by meta, a lot of the content shared by users on the platform is actually ads.

    But I agree, the price is ridiculous

  • I've just taken the app off my phone and use adblock when I'm on the desktop browser version. I still need social media to post my work out there (I get clients that way), but I don't need to look at it 100 times a day.

    It's honestly been a big quality of life improvement to take all my social media off my phone. Been a month or two now and I really miss it a lot less than I thought I would and who knows how much time I'm saving.

  • So that's how much my data is worth to Meta?

    • I doubt it. But I believe that they have figured out exactly what ammount people will be less willing to pay .

      Besides that, they won't stop tracking and storing your data. They simply won't use it show targeted ads.

  • this doesn't seem legal. at least - it god damn shouldn't be