He does have a point tho
He does have a point tho
He does have a point tho
fuck that, 28 months of 13 days
No months. 28 weeks of 13 days and it's a three-day working week.
We need to revturn to the pre-Republic Roman system of ten 28 day months and a liminal, unaccountable 90ish day period during the winter where dates don't exist. We need to have a high priest pulling apart bird guts to tell us when in March we can start counting days again. We need a system so subjective and variable that you occasionally need a 500 day year to reset everything either becuase of compounding error or because the priest in charge got murdered and no one replaced him for two months.
at least it would spice things up a bit
that's why they call it haruspicy
And we should implement yearly counts based on how long the current dynasty keeps power. We could have Bush 1-4, followed by years Clinton 1-8, followed by Bush 5-12, etc.
13x28 is 364, what about the 365th day?
Just make it into a big holiday that doesn’t take place on any official day of the week, it’s just its own thing existing outside the normal structures of modern life.
Or, we could ignore it and enjoy the confusion as the seasons slowly drift into different months as an effort to hide the increasingly obvious signs of climate change.
You decide when that is yourself. If you're having a rough day and you can't be arsed? You take the 365th. It's like a yearly "grandparents funeral".
I independently came up with the 13 x 28 idea to align monthly things like bills to weekly things like paychecks.
My solution was to make that odd day a holiday and celebrate the really awesome, cool, and good-looking dude that came up with this new calendar. (Me)
To make this work, you'd have to add the detail of having a leap week every 6 years or so, sometimes every 5 years.
Remember, a solar year is about 365.24 Earth days.
Every year has 1-2 intercalary days that aren't part of any month.
The problem is then that your months slowly drift out of alignment with the moon.
That is the day we give our offerings to the ancient ones
13 X 28 is only 364. What about the 365th day?
Purge day
Or every year, put it between two different months. To be decided by the winner of a contest held on that day. The winner also gets to decide what the next contest will be. In a surprise twist in the year 27 in the new calendar, when the contest day is held after the thirteenth month (Redteaber?), the winner of the contest decides the next year's contest day will be the first day of the next year – tomorrow! Mayhem breaks out and the people wish they'd listened to WithoutFurtherRelay when they had the chance.
There's actually 365.24, so it's even worse
Bonus day for new year's eve
To shreds, you say?
Yes please I would like to spend my entire life having every birthday be on a fucking Wednesday thank you
This is also how the railway callendar works in the UK.
so we're reinventing the shire calendar then? :)
Apparently Tolkien based that on Saint Bede's and Anglo-Saxon calendars (ofc he would)
But the Moon though
Yeah the moon part is definitely the weakest part of the argument lol
The moon can't tell me what to do!
This is why we need to bring Gaddafi back from the dead and put his brain inside a giant robot. If anyone had the will and means to get this implemented, it would be Mega Mecha Gadaffi.
The broadcast calendar. 😆
It’s a good idea.
Yeah but 13. Spooky.
And every 4 years you'd have a holiday to even it out with the actual cycle.