aplay /dev/urandom
aplay /dev/urandom
aplay /dev/urandom
I remember Team Fortress 2 has a console command where you could set your voice gain stupidly high and blow out people's ears by just being in voice chat.
Flashbang but loud (yes i know real flashbangs literally explode, but still)
I have ear damage because games love to release nuclear bomb levels of sound when they boot for the first time.
Seriously, this should be illegal. Every game blasts you with full volume and no way to turn it down until later. Then the reasonable setting is like 10%. I'm in the habit of taking my headphones off when I start a new game.
I don't understand this. Why do people complain about this? turn your master volume down?
If you expect me to remember things you're gonna have a bad time. And probably so am I.
I have damage because an idiot scream-talked directly into my ear at a loud music event. It wasn't even worth it :(
Went shooting with rednecks once. Fun at the time but maybe not a great idea in hindsight.
Loved fireworks as a kid, didn't even knew the ringing in your ears after a loud bang was bad
the bell at max volume into iems = the big ouchy
I attended a Mötörhead concert…
We are not the same.
Actually, I went to a Yoko concert once... my gf bought the tickets, don't look at me like that, all wanted was p*ssy 😭.