I was born in 1959 - that was over 225 years ago! And I sure feel like it. Only good thing is, I've seen a lotta stuff over the years, and I can tell you this - the world today is no better or worse than it was back then. War was raging the middle east, people were protesting police brutality, and Russia was threatening war to everyone. It seems like the more we progress the more we stay the same.
I was born in 1974 and I have this constant debate with my wife about world politics and historic politics. After traveling the world and reading a bunch of history and living as a poor Native kid in the north ... it's made me realize that the world hasn't changed all that much.
The world changed for the privileged few North Americans for a few decades in the 60s, 70s and 80s and it felt like things were really going to change but it didn't. In the meantime, things stayed the same for everyone else ... the 90 percent of the rest of the world population.
As a first world resident that benefited from major social change ... it feels like there were big changes and that things should progress some more ... but when you look at it with a wider lens, the rest of the world hasn't really moved and has stayed the same, no matter how much it changed in your corner of the globe.
There has been marked progress in reducing poverty over the past decades. According to the most recent estimates, in 2015, 10 per cent of the world’s population lived at or below $1.90 a day. That’s down from 16 per cent in 2010 and 36 per cent in 1990.
I've traveled a bit too, not that much, but to every state in the U.S., through all of Canada and Mexico, and China as well. And it's just amazing to experience all that and see how much we have in common and yet, the most modern of all those places was China - their cities look like something out of the not too distant future. So much neon, it reminded me of Blade Runner. And I've trekked to the most remote, untouched parts of Mexico were people still live in mud huts or under old mattresses for a roof with no walls - and you see that human civilization hasn't really progressed at all in those spots. It's just an eye-opening experience.
@ininewcrow@lemmyshitpost@tygerprints but if you look more is about 50 years, is not much time to have a notable changes, maybe 50 years in the future you see more changes for best or worst
*lets go of what they are holding onto. //coffee cup falls and splashes all over carpet. ///lost coffee? Worse than losing a hand and discovering the equivalent of the head of the Gestapo in a galaxy wide Nazi regime is also Dad.