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  • Yes. I'm not particularly bothered which timezone we stay in, just pick one.

  • Yes please. Permanent DST would be nice. I hate it being pitch black at 4pm. Not to mention adjusting sleeping patterns.

  • I would love for CEST to end. It should just stick to whichever timezone is giving you noon when the sun is at it's highest point.

    • Doesn't work that great in really wide timezones. Where do you measure noon from? The east? The middle?

      • The middle would be the most logical. Or just pick one. The number is arbitrary anyway

      • On average I suppose, and of course there's more than just the sun's position to think of. You also want to be in sync with neighboring countries to make sure people don't have to change their clock every time they cross a border.
        For where I live, summertime puts the sun at it's highest point at around 13:20 while wintertime is 12:20. My country (Netherlands) is small enough not to have any significant difference between east and west.
        But when you look over the wider timezone:

        Fisterra, Spain (most western)13:2014:20
        Nowosady, Poland (most eastern)11:0912:09
        Vadsø, Norway (even more eastern)10:4411:44

        I took those most eastern and western as an estimate, but the difference would be negligible with other nearby towns. Time of highest point is for today.

        It's a big timezone when you look at the differences. During summer time the most extreme differences from sun's highest point would be between +00:09 - +02:20 hours. For wintertime it would be -00:51 - +1:20 hours, with the average much closer to noon. So yes, for my timezone, I would say wintertime is the best choice if you want noon to match the sun's highest point.

        Oh no... see what you did, you brought out the nerd in me :)

        So I just noticed Norway has that little strip even further to the east. To make it completely fair, if you take Vadsø in account, the difference would be -00:16 - +02:20 to -01:16 - +01:20 hours. With winter time noon, on average, most closely in sync with the highest point of the sun.

  • Yes, I can live with UTC, GMT, Pacific, a single global timezone. I don't care at this point - just stop making me feel out of wack twice a year!

  • I didn't change my clocks back, I think that happens next week for me, but I'm over the shit. I'd love it if we could just decide to stop doing it.

    However I don't want to be the developer that deals with that change.

  • I have a severe circadian rhythm disorder- yes absolutely lol, daylight savings destroys me every year

    My time hasn't changed yet, but I'm not looking forward to it

  • I feel like everyone's complaining too much about it, it really doesn't matter that much and I think people only care because they're told to. I don't take this position seriously it sounds like a joke.