I’m guessing a character from TOS?
I’m guessing a character from TOS?
I’m guessing a character from TOS?
Yup. TOS “The Naked Time” s1e4. Weird as all hell, but a fun watch. Also, responsible for this:
SULU: I'll protect you, fair maiden.
UHURA: Sorry, neither.
This goes even further than we thought.
Oh myyyyyy!
This is Kevin https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Kevin_Riley
Ohh he's the one that turned into a singing jackass, yeah?
Was someone looking for Kevin?
I guess I should have asked him why he was called Fang.
Finally just watched this episode and pointed at the screen like the DiCaprio meme
Then I spent like an hour tracking this down again.
Kevin is the star treks we made along the way
He'll take you home again, Kathleen.
You a friend of DeSoto?
Best boss I ever had!
Wasn't that Duncan McNeill whatever? He was like the ensign on Voyager.
Kevin Uxbridge?