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  • Unrelated, but I predict there will be more false accusations of AI generated news images than actual misinformation in the near future.

    • Love to live in the era of epistemic breakdown

    • They'll claim it, but it's actually still easy to determine if an image is AI generated with minimal effort.

      Legitimate images will have a source and knowing the source will allow you to validate things like meta data and location/time the image was taken.

      AI is really only useful for entirely synthetic images.

    • It's already that way, from what I can tell.

      AI classifier models are garbage. Most of them are only particularly good at identifying images processed through a specific model's autoencoder, which if you don't specifically try to mask that (which is possible) they have a fairly high recall rate on. They have MASSIVE false positive rates though with a variety of known and unknown triggers, in particular I've seen a lot of images which upon closer inspection looked plausibly real if you consider how fucking awful postprocessing on some cameras can be.

      And it's not even images that would make sense to AI generate that people are pulling this on. I would think that you would pull the AI generated card on AI generate propaganda images of something that is incredibly damning yet also hard to disprove. But most of the claims for "AI-generated" propaganda images I see are over things that don't really prove the claim the propagandist is trying to make, or that don't even show anything particularly abnormal. That's more than just falsely assuming something, that's just outright failing to understand how propaganda works in the first place which is a much more serious problem.

  • God this is creepy. Like I know propaganda machines can and have done their work fine without AI, but we're entering an era where our capitalist overlords can just produce footage and images of whatever whatever they want to justify anything they want. Unionisers could be arrested for somerthing they never did. For example.

    • I kinda feel like people skilled in photoshop have been able to create whatever they want to sway consent for government atrocities for a while now. Being able to manufacture believable video of the other decapitating babies and guzzling their blood is gonna be the real kicker. There's an Orville episode where the space fascists mention that generating videos of their political opponents doing and saying heinous shit is commonplace that I felt was prescient.