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  • This is what the API protests revealed as well, as a mod team could decide to go dark without input from its own users

    No, just no. Nearly all mod teams had polls about this, and all of those polls with dominating majority selected to shut down. Who is this guy? Is he getting paid by Reddit? If anything the protests revealed that Reddit admins would do anything, including disbanding the moderator teams to bring subreddits back, to suppress protests.

  • They've already lost their identity. The parties over, spez has turned it into corporate garbage no better than Instagram

  • Too late for that already right? Just like imgur, correct?

    • I wish people would stop using imgur. It's entirely unnecessary for posting single images. Also, I use noscript and the number of external websites imgur loads scripts from tripled sometime last year, and now it doesn't even work to display a single image unless you enable who-knows-what sites (most sites, it's easy to tell which ones are necessary - for imgur, it isn't). Even worse it flashes the image and then it disappears without JS enabled for whatever domains it needs. So people using imgur is enabling all sorts of ad tech/privacy invasion companies to track whoever clicks on their photo, for no real reason.

    • I learned about recently. It's pretty great. Simple interface, uploads up to 200mb, files are kept forever, and when you upload a picture, it gives you the actual direct link to the image; not like every other image hoster that gives you a link to the "image page", then you have to right click on the image and copy the link address to actually get the direct link.

      Only thing that sucks is it doesn't strip exif data from the pictures uploaded, but not a huge deal since I just use it for memes and random pics anyway.

  • They have a new identity that they keep reinforcing with every new decision. They've lost their previous identity and become just another web service looking to get the most money possible out of the users they can still attract.

  • fuck u spez !

    • From the deepest spubby of my heart, fuck @spez@reddit, have fun playing with yourself as all the other kids have left you alone cuz you yank their hair and throw fits

      source, idek

  • Also: Nobody is paying the price and they are losing users(this is also the reason why I came here).