thought you stood a chance?
thought you stood a chance?
thought you stood a chance?
Ten years into casual programming and I still don’t know how to use a debugger.
I believe in a conspiracy theory that nobody uses debuggers.
Does this include C programmers? I've definitely found GDB to be indispensable in the past (or maybe that's what they would want you to think).
After decades of print debugging I finally got dap up and running in vim. It is very nice. Would recommend.
I can record a video tomorrow if it helps?
It’s easy, you just step, step, step, step in, or wait, over, or, oops.
Watch a Video or read something because it really is an invaluable tool. But here's a crash course:
Debuggers, or IDEs, let you step through your code in slo-mo so you can see what is happening.
There are many other things an IDE can do to help you, so def look into it more if you want to save yourself a lot of insanity. But this is a good starting point.
If you're developing for the web use F12 to open web tools, and when an error happens, click the file/line number to see that point in the Sources tab, and you can debug there.
That sounds really cool
Thank you for writing this out
The only real time I use a debugger is to tell me what line a default occured at.
It can be useful sometimes. Same for print. And logfiles.
Good my colleagues think I am Hackerman that can hack through time!
Kung Fury will never not be amazing
That image goes so incredibly hard
Dude, literally me. Whenever my friends or my brother's friend come to my room, I opened up a few terminals with only one of them is actually for coding and they thoight I could hack someone's Facebook account or something LMAO.
Yes I live in Southeast Asia
I have seen this meme at least 471 times, it's still as funby as the first time.
Samir is mad op, those indian youtubers know everything
OMG, of all the memes I read all day long, this had to be the one to actually make laugh hard.
Father, I want to see the face of VBA god
Set Forms!frmFaceOfGod!OLECustomControl.Picture = LoadPicture("\\linux-nfs.local\nullshare\%*!!.bmp")
Ok, so, I thought I was crazy when I said "debug it" and my coworkers were like "you can read that shit?"
My colleague literally once said to me "i can't read bleep bloops"
I can really emphasise with Samir. Working in healthcare I’m basically limited to just the Office applications. However in the past few years I’ve been able to cook up solutions by reading / writing to file based databases, and using VBA to generate and bind to HTML contents on the fly for the built in IE11 instance. It’s as close to getting to some kind of web-stack within the confines of IT Sec in healthcare.
Just a heads up, I think the word you're looking for is empathize.
This is interesting, can you tell us more about how this is done?
For the backend I used the ADO library to create a MSAccess DB on a shared network folder. Then it’s a matter of using VBA to generate SQL commands to same library to read / write records from the DB.
For the frontend, I use VBA to generate a HTML document from the fetched data. For the IE control in a user form, you can then write the HTML to it. During this process you can bind local VBA variables to any of the html elements in the page.
A common flow would be:
I also have VBScript to act as the launcher by copying the excel file to the local machine, and launching the local copy. This solves the concurrency issue.
Working in healthcare I’m basically limited…
Here I was expecting you to start talking about MUMPS.
I identify with Samir, but without all of his vast knowledge.
"Samir.... you're breaking the car!"
I'm in this picture and I like it. I'm wjhbr.
Ahaha, yes. I lost it and found it hilarious when I got to that part of the picture, then went "Hey wait a second... that's me!"
same, eastern-european, my programming setup is just neovim, cargo and rustc, and i freaking love mechboards
I'm Samir, I can code kernel drivers in vba
Please don't.
I can but then I have to call IT to start Excel with elevated privileges so I don't
I have worked with most of these people at one point or another. I used to sit next to an old architect like walters. He had so many patents the company only recognize him on every 10th one.
"Can reveal the face of God using VBA"
This one got me good. I became a VBA king being in one of those locked down environments.
As someone with ADHD I am a mix of hackerman and tharg. Unfortunately the Adderall just makes me barely function and Ive never actually hacked anything
Also that one guy with their home country set to The Vatican.
I am Samir
Thanks for unlocking my account everytime I forget my password!
But does anybody ever thank me for never forgetting my password? Noooooo. Grumble grumble.
Oh, so that's why I can't land a job this year. lol
I'm halfway between ~mfhwalters and Tharg
Having participated in CTF competitions this is very accurate.
Only noobs reveal their cards at competitions. 😈
It's still fun to enter competition even if these OP people are in it.
What is this meme about? "Competition", "Leaderboard", "Waiting for the timer to hit 0:00"? I am so confused.
Competitive programming.
Usually multiple algorithmic problems that are released to public at the same time and the fastest people to submit a correct solution get more points.
A fun one I still like to participate in is advent of code, which is a yearly christmas themed one with two problems released a day during advent.
If you want to seriously compete in competitive programming, you need to learn and memorize different problem types and the solutions to those. A bit like you start learning patterns in chess.
For practicing, the CSES Problem Set is a gold mine for practice problems. Theres also a list of competitive programming books on the site.
That sounds exhausting. Maybe I am showing my age, but after 15 years as a software developer (now DevOps engineer) I feel absolutely no desire to spend my free time competing against others. Maybe I would've felt different about this back in the days.
That being said, this meme still applies to regular software developers. I know plenty of people who match each of the shown stereotypes.
It's about coding competitions, and without me being directly involved in the scene (the closest I get to it are silly competitions regarding indy-games or decompiling old games or whatever) I did make personal acquaintance with every of those stereotypes, and it's so true.
It's about how I applied to an associate engineer position, made it through 3 rounds of interviews, then got rejected only to find out they hired a senior engineer with over a decade of experience at AWS. /rant
It's about the feeling when people are a milion times more skilled in your field
What with Chinese with their near-impossible feats?
From someone who had Chinese roommates: torture from their families, society and themselves.
Sleep? 4 hours is enough. Do it in the library. Food? Has to go fast. Socializing? They better also be studying 24/7. Depression? You're not my son/daughter anymore.
this is gold lmao
Lesson learned: aim for the manager spot to order those folks around
XHTML 1.1 is much more elegant than HTML 2
I've been coding for a long time, and I think I've worked with all these archetypes. Too real.
Most of the time the "wjhbr" guy is either from Russia, or asian or from some Scandinavian country.
We’ll shit imma be out of a jerb with this competition.
lololol attacked again
I love this!
Oh boy, I'm soooo f*cked up
How do you code a house I can love i