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  • Your "score" is only there to sell you more score. This is the side effect of being able to access your own credit history (how very generous of them)

    Every lender has their own criteria, and uses your credit history to generate their own score.

  • I know a guy who's a multimillionaire. He came up from nothing and always had the mindset that if you have to finance it, you can't afford it. A few years ago, he wanted to purchase an apartment complex, but was short by something like $500,000. He tried to get a loan, but the bank wouldn't give him one because he had no credit. Instead, he sold two of his supercars to cover the difference and bought the complex.

    • gosh I hope they're ok

    • That's a lie. Someone who has millions in dollars in assets the bank would just ask for some form of collateral. They wouldn't rely on a fucking fico score. Also it would be a company owning everything, not a person. You've literally made all this up in the most stupid way possible.