Edit: actually you may not need to avoid if the gills don’t run all the way. If they don’t, there’s a good chance they are Elm Oysters, but elm oysters are edible. I’m basing this info on the above link. It seems pretty clear that what you have aren’t the dangerous varieties listed on that page.
Not pleurotis species of any kind. It should have gill lines(don't know proper term) running all the way down the stem. They also usually grow on wood not grass
I would generally agree, but 1) there may well be dead wood just under the grass and 2) these conditions may explain the atypical stem. Never fully trust ID by pic and opinions on the internet obviously but this looks very much like Pleurotus ostreatus to me. (Also because there aren't many alternative candidates in my opinion.)
I agree. These are some sort of Pleurotus but I have a rule about atypical morphology and consumption.
Long story but some P. cubensis and I had a long “talk” about mushroom identification and I promised to never eat any mushroom I could not be %100 about. They were very clear on the subject. Like they knew I might fuck up one day.