Al Jazeera investigation refutes Israel's "failed Palestinian rocket launch" narrative regarding the strike on the al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza
Al Jazeera investigation refutes Israel's "failed Palestinian rocket launch" narrative regarding the strike on the al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza
An Al Jazeera digital investigation found no grounds to the Israeli army claim that the strike on the al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza was caused by a failed ro...
A link to the Al Jazeera article and video:
A Channel 4 News investigation also confirms that Israel's audio tape of “Hamas operatives discussing the rocket malfunction" is a fake with their experts saying that the tone, syntax, accent and idiom sound absurd and not credible:
This would also not be the first time that the Israeli government has lied about "misfired Palestinian rockets":
The Israeli army has been trying to prevent international journalists and independent bodies from entering Gaza to act as independent investigators: