love how many weird ass people keep posting on this website
love how many weird ass people keep posting on this website
damn u guys are so fucking weird
yea i'm talking about you specifically. <3 u.
love how many weird ass people keep posting on this website
damn u guys are so fucking weird
yea i'm talking about you specifically. <3 u.
being "normal" in a country like the US is truly the freakiest type of person to be
Being normal there is a conscious practice you have to remember everyday and it actively destroys your soul
Silly hexbears, I'm not weird, I'm just your average Hollywood celebrity who was here to promote my latest movie but then started to post here for whatever reason.
Please ask me about rampart
Since Harley voted for Bernie in 2016, do you think she would have gone on Chapo?
Oi Margot, ya owe me a bag of goon and half a deck of Winnie blues from state of origin at Damo's house last year ya gronk. Stop posting and pay me back some durries, I'm fangin'.
Stop posting
Hey it's Marbun Rowboy!
i hate the average person i see where i live. lumpy suburban kulaks who only notice you if they need to call the cops or complain to your manager, and ignorant bigot trailer park dwelling workers with no personal hygiene. someone i know works at a gas station and the mens room frequently lacks soap because no one orders it, and no man that uses the bathroom ever tells anyone it's out, they just go about their day with shit covered hands. every man entering that bathroom on one of those days has shit or piss covered hands. my mechanic acquaintance is a misogynist predator of high school girls and refuses to wear gloves at work (his coworkers call them "b***h mittens") or to wash his hands, he like 1/3rd of all the people here have permanently black hands from the car oil/grease. not because they can't afford gloves or water or soap, but because it's "unmanly" or something to practice basic hygiene. almost every house here has an anti-abortion election sign up, there is a major catholic church downtown putting the signs up everywhere. i have seen homophobes protesting against trans rights at random gas stations, not even in a public foot traffic zone.
anyone that can be normal here is a soul-less ghoul person or a philosophical zombie with no internal beliefs, opinions, or passions. if you did have a soul once the suburbs have taken it, the very architecture is hostile to the human spirit.
permanently black hands from the car oil/grease
Get these morons some orange soap
But seriously they're trading off years of their lives for machismo. Used engine oil is carcinogenic, it won't kill you from once or twice but if it's an occupational hazard for you and you don't wear gloves you will probably get cancer. I wear fabric gloves for normal mechanic stuff and latex ones for oil changes / brakes / similarly messy jobs.
i have had that exact conversation with this guy, but since then i found out the whole 'goes after significantly younger girls' thing and care significantly less about his health lol. i thought they were just a mis-educated edgy idiot but i should have known from the constant 'just joking' nazi and hitler references.
based and anti-suburb pilled
Death to America
The opposite of weird is boring so I will continue posting bugs and making completely fucking unhinged jokes
I enjoy your bugposting
Imagine not being weird
Couldnt be me
i spend enough energy suppressing the weirdness in real life
i'm not doing it for you scallywags
Dudes are just rocking together
Have you ever talked to a "normal" person? Everyone's a complete fucking weirdo that gets up to the daftest shit, most people just present as what they think is normal in public.
And that's what's normal, idot...
I'm not weird, I'm not weird! I scream as I slowly shrink into a weird cob.
Infinite Weirdness in Infinite Combinations
The true path to enlightenment
We're not weird, we're eccentric
Listen, I appear normal from a middle distance, if you squint a little bit
People irl often confuse me for a normal person too
I think you have to be at least a little bit weird/crazy to be a communist these days, which predicates on one being able to question reality in the first place.
If you had been normal and well adjusted, you’d just consume and buy into all the mainstream propaganda being thrown at you without questioning them at all.
Being well adjusted by normie terms. Like doing road rage because you’re miserable all the time but unwilling to do any critical analysis about why so you’re a live wire. Then you get drunk with your buds and say a bunch of degrading things to eachother and claim it’s just proof you’re real friends to the end. All while complaining about your annoying wife who you’ve been emotionally unavailable to for a decade but it’s her fault not yours. And don’t get you started about your weird Bernie bro cousin who doesn’t understand how the world works! Then you get in bed with a tear in your eye because America is the greatest country on earth and have a fitful night of undiagnosed sleep apnea.
This tracks. I’ve been called weird my entire life and only this past year have I learned thanks to the neurodiverse comm that I’m probs autistic
me too ❤️
Yeah but ever since I became a communist everything fucking sucks when you actually look deeper into it from a Marxist lens and I don't know how to be happy lmao
For me it's the opposite since it gives you a solution and a better world to strive for. Being a liberal is far worse since they don't know the solution even exists, they think this is all we have and that we have to cope with living in capitalist hell forever, or at least until climate catastrophe comes and ends us.
You're welcome
I will continue the good work
Same. Thanks for posting.
The wonders of online anonymity
Wtf is "normal" anyway? Who gets to decide what normal means? What counts as abnormal? I have no clue, but I sure as hell hope I'm not a normal dude
Socially enforced baseline acceptable public behavior
Who gets to decide what normal means?
bourgeois media
I <3 you too 😘
I like being weird. I also like this place. This community was part of my journey to the left back before the sub ban. I appreciate all of your contributions to this place.
I'm lucky I'm kinda funny and outgoing, so I'm usually good after 15 minutes. Before that, I'm some horror creature.
I am normal. I eat more than a handful of foods and I've got friends who call me cool nicknames and I definitely am not posting this while wearing a Sonic the Hedgehog t-shirt. Why what have you heard?
I'm totally normal
Aww shucks thanks. DM'd you a pic of my spines btw
death 2 israel
What, isn't every little person weird in their own way? (I just don't show it online much)
I don't post very much
turns out the actions and feelings of sentient meatbags are strange!
thanks u 2 <3