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  • Who tf uses Spotify without a premium account?

    I'd rather pirate that shit that use it for free (I like to hit next all the way).

    IMHO Spotify is one of the few services that it is worth to pay.

  • Spotify in on itself is worth paying for BUT...

    Their app for android sucks blue donkey balls and I'd happily pay more if I'd get to use a slightly less retarded cousin of this app.

    The other but:

    Spotify in on itself is not very bad right now and basically could and SHOULD continue as-is forever.

    However, the economic system as it currently is requires it to continually come up with new crap that nobody needs nor wants (see also all Microsoft software that went from absolute shit thirty years ago to absolute slimey shit with lots of useless but pretty ding dong bells attached to it with a nice camera hidden inside to spy on the insides of your butthole) and it only a matter of time before...

    Some exec gets hired there that promises to double their revenue, then implements some shit that will double their revenue once, gets this exec his bonus upon which he immediately quits to go to the next company to fuck over with a pineapple, leaving Spotify with a huge exodus of users, a dwindling service, and two years later it's dead.

    I've seen this cycle with too many large companies, and it's the same story over and over. Be it Boeing, Disney, just about all large game companies, etc etc..

  • It was already like this in Europe when I began to use Spotify in 2015. I do not hate it because the app's free tier is already unusable to me due to the adverts.

  • I thought this was always how the free version was? Which bit of that is new? I remember only being able to shuffle play until I got premium

  • And Netflix and other streaming services, despite supposedly saving us from cable, re-invented cable.

    But the good news is, maybe it's time to get the good old iPods/DAPs back into the mainstream again. You can have a big SD card with all the music and podcasts you could ever want without tying yourself to a specific service.

  • I know Plex gets a lot of crap here, but they have done me no wrong allowing me to simply play the music I like. Spotify is ruining artist discovery, which is exactly how radio became the shithole it is now. At least Pandora leads at artist discovery.

  • Next update will show text lyrics in free version. If you want to play the audio you better have premium