I blocked reddit at the router level o prevent any accidental traffic from my network since the blackout. In a few months after the dust has settled, I plan to write a script to edit my posts (slowly at one per minute) to say something else, then go back and erase all posts, one by one. But I'm not doing it now since they appear to have a script preventing people from bulk erasing/deleting posts
My approach was to unsubscribe from all my subs. Going there and seeing an empty front page serves as a reminder that there's nothing there for me now, and also jolts me into realizing that I've idly opened it up yet again.
I'll get rid of the app (rif) when it shuts down, but for now, getting slammed in the face by an empty front page is helping me break the habit more naturally than past quit attempts.
Nope, not going to use the API - I don't trust reddit to do some sheisty stuff over the next few days.
I'm going to write an automated script to simulate physical mouseclicks and keystrokes. No API needed if I put in enough delays between my interactions haha