Do any languages have words for left & right that start with the same letter?
Do any languages have words for left & right that start with the same letter?
And if so, how do they label headphones, contact lenses etc?
Do any languages have words for left & right that start with the same letter?
And if so, how do they label headphones, contact lenses etc?
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"Vänster", left, and "höger", right, in Swedish.
Last time I checked V and H were different letters.
No tvey aren't
I'm hery sure tvey are...
(actually tvis works quite good, I tvink I will use tvis for a hocal quirk for a dnd-npc)
Actually sounds like a good plan.
Missunderstood the question, sorry.
That's how it was when I learned the alphabet too, and I even learned it in Swedish, and last I checked we have not decided to change it.
But for headphones we use L-R.